son of god

Makayla 2022-04-02 08:01:01

In the dead lake, Peter caught a boatload of fish, and in the barren village, the paralyzed took a new step. Because Jesus, with an eternal smile, brought miracles to the poor; in the face of a prostitute who was about to be executed, Jesus asked someone who had never sinned to crush her to death, but no one could throw the stone in his hand, see the victim Rejected Jewish tax collector, Jesus found the pain and humility in him and brought him to himself because Jesus, with eternal mercy, offers forgiveness to sinners. When the happy forsaken poor and the justly forsaken sinner find a young man who comforts them and gives them hope, and who is so generous and humble, not domineering and domineering for the miracles he has, such Jesus , how can not be loved.
However, people only knew the existence of the king, thinking that Jesus must have come to replace the old king, but they did not know that every time they cheered, they were pushing him to death. The creation of faith must be accompanied by sacrifice, because the rise of the new world means the collapse of the old kingdom. No one will hand over the interests in their hands to the heretics, and no ruler is willing to share their rights with the grassroots. So the old religious and secular forces united, determined to erase this new belief. When the rulers found out that Jesus would rather sacrifice the flesh than to resist violently, they secretly rejoiced; when the people knew that this Son of God would not be their new king, and that his weapons were only forgiveness and love, they were extremely disappointed. Thus, the Son of God was sentenced to death by a secular court, and the cross of Calvary was his end on earth.
But people loved him after all, and they separated the road to see him off. Covered with bruises and blood, Jesus wore an insulting straw crown, and carried a heavy cross, dragging himself to the place of execution. The whip of the Roman soldier added to the marks on his body, and the long winding path tripped him again and again. Mothers and believers wept in despair, under the tyranny and violence, it seemed that God was powerless. Faith once climbed to the cross, meekly waiting to be nailed to death. Even when the soldiers mocked without mercy, still praying to heaven: Father, forgive them, they don't know what they are doing. Three spikes hold an eternal image, an idol of suffering and sacrifice.
"Son of God" is a film full of forgiveness, understanding and love. Some religious films have been boycotted for showing controversial views, and even threatened with terror by certain religious fanatics. But the film wisely avoids this forbidden area, sticking closely to the content of the "Bible", promoting fraternity and salvation, and celebrating the virtue of sacrifice for faith. When watching this film, I will not consider too many religious factors, I will only be constantly moved by the suffering of Jesus.
When I saw this part of going to the execution ground, I inadvertently thought of our revolutionary martyrs. They also died with faith, in order to leave an illusory kingdom of heaven for our descendants. After Christianity became the ruling class, of course the spirit of Jesus disappeared; since the founding of New China, the descendants of the martyrs have become new corrupt officials and profiteers. This shows that the power of worldly desires is enough to assimilate all beliefs. The difference is that the scientific spirit and religious beliefs of the West can now interact with each other. Science makes human beings move forward, and faith makes people move toward kindness. Christians in the West still believe in God, but are we still religious?

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Extended Reading
  • Otha 2022-04-05 09:01:07

    Been that way since one monkey looked at the sun and told the other monkey, "He said for you to give me your fucking share."

  • Jensen 2022-04-03 09:01:12

    Picked up by a colleague. The male actors are all in place, and the actresses are unanimously exaggerated.

Son of God quotes

  • Peter: What are we going to do, then?

    Jesus: We are going to change the world...

  • Jesus: Put God first and everything else will follow