Not to be underestimated

Jamir 2021-11-11 08:01:14

I admit that I despised this movie at first. You know, unknown monsters, enclosed spaces, two or more people, the three major elements of Hollywood horror movies are all ready, nothing more than monsters attacking humans, humans suspicion each other, the protagonist escapes safely, vulgar routines! Furthermore, when the monster stretches out its tentacles from the crack of the door to catch people, it must close the door before saving people. How can anyone desperately trying to save people and watch the monster keep coming in, mentally retarded! There is also that protagonist who has poor expression skills and punches when he feels unhappy, typical American heroism, boring!
In this way, in the first half of the movie, I scolded it all over, and by the way questioned the taste of the friends who recommended this movie to me. However. Starting from fifty minutes, the above view was completely overturned. I really am a layman, I don't know Taishan.
Since I have always liked bloody violent movies, I suddenly became excited when a corpse with blood dripping from its intestines appeared. Uh. . Let alone discuss my personal psychological problems. . . The movie became compact from this time, various monsters emerged one after another, and the crowd's horror psychology was shown in detail. You know, facing a monster is not the most terrifying. When you feel that a monster is close at hand but you don't know where it is, any wind and grass can make you creepy, and the film creates this atmosphere to the fullest.
On the other hand, when humans are extremely fearful, they often try to find a spiritual support. When they have nowhere to vent their anger on fear, they often point the finger at the object they can rival-humans. Therefore, compared to the contest between people and monsters, the conflict between people in the movie is more exciting. We can see that as the fear deepens, the crowd's psychology becomes more and more flustered. They urgently need a reason that they can accept to explain all of this. At this time, the eschatological doctrine of the goddess appears at the right time, which is like saving lives for them. The straw is average. Because in their view this is a "reasonable" explanation, and more importantly, under this explanation, they have a way to solve the problem. Such a group of angry, fearful, and blind followers are in a way more terrifying than the monsters outside the door.
Especially worth mentioning is the end of the film. Although many people say it is unacceptable, in my opinion, it is simply a stroke of gods and can be used to worship. I don't even know what language to use to express the many feelings it brings to me, especially if it is not spoiled, there is no way to talk about it. But it is precisely because of this ending that the film has become one of the classics in my mind.
Finally, I personally think that the monster image created in this film can only be described in ordinary terms. There are a lot of monster movies, nothing more than the same, but this film focuses on psychology, and the monster is only a supplementary role, and it can be ignored. The protagonist's acting skills are ordinary, not very brilliant, but the goddess is quite good. Personally like goddess and grandma.

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Extended Reading
  • Billie 2021-11-11 08:01:14

    This kind of human evil is really creepy, but the ending is too low in price, but it is reasonable. ★★★☆

  • Chadrick 2022-03-24 09:01:31

    He has always been obsessed with the routine: the protagonist is trapped in a certain place, and he is rescued after trying his best to break out of the siege. Distrust between people is more terrifying than foreign things. This is what I like about Stephen King. He is not pure horror, he has thinking. The car is much like Noah's Ark, with metaphors and endless despair everywhere. The witch is very typical, although she is abominable, none of her accusations are wrong, but they have found the wrong scapegoat. The author did not hate this character, she said a lot on his behalf, and Stephen King made her die like a prophet or Jesus. There is no end, no end, there is only you in this world. The bullets are all gone. He was killed by his own despair. The terrifying nightmares at dawn all seemed funny, and the struggle seemed meaningless. Repent, human.

The Mist quotes

  • Ollie: [Mrs. Carmody is preaching to her 'cult' and they're repeating expiation] Welcome to Sesame Street, kids. Today's word is 'expiation'.

  • [first lines]

    Billy Drayton: Whoa!