Sparkling Freddie

Grayce 2021-11-12 08:01:14

Planet Terror is obviously more fierce than Death Proof. It is difficult for me to have a good impression of these two film types. The combination of these two films is enough to make me rave. Terror’s horror planet is a contrast between "Death · Speed ​​· Murderer" and "Son Girl · Zombie · Machine Gun". Things that move your mind will not make you dismissive.
For many years, it has been unable to accept Quentin's tune. Children, especially the more annoying ducks come out to insert themselves at every turn. I really don't like that face, oh it's not my fault. So naturally lean towards Planet Terror, although Quentin is still disruptive, but the film itself is enough to make people fall in love. Quentin's sparsely webbed lower body and the machine gun that can shoot bullets and cannonballs on the female legs are all classified by classmate Zheng Tongyou as the ranks of evil elements, but it is indeed not as good as the crotch gun ten years ago. Wonderful.
Freddie Rodriguez is what makes me amazing. After this mediocre looking baby with mediocre body and mediocre temperament is possessed by El Wray, he looks like Gary Oldman from outside to inside, huge sexy, huge nerve, giant man.

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Extended Reading
  • Elouise 2021-11-12 08:01:14

    I seem to be immune to 0 0 incredible movies

  • Nakia 2022-04-23 07:01:33

    Quentin has more scenes than Bruce Willis

Planet Terror quotes

  • J.T. Hague: You're the second person to show up tonight.

    El Wray: Who's the first?

    J.T. Hague: [nods to Cherry] Right there. Must be passin' through. Seems only strangers eat here.

    El Wray: [picking up his coffee] I still eat here, J.T.

    J.T. Hague: Oh, yeah, you sure do. By the way, don't choke on all that food you're eatin'.

  • Dr. Dakota Block: Goodbye, Bill.

    Dr. William Block: Don't you mean "see you later"?

    Dr. Dakota Block: Of course.