There are no handsome boys and beautiful girls, only shocking killings

Angus 2022-04-05 08:01:01

Good drama, this is beyond doubt. The opening chapter really lied to me, I thought you had to live one too.. I didn't expect it! The second point is the retirement of the male police officer. The third point is to directly present the criminals.. (It doesn't seem to be criminals.) Also, although the government said on the radio that the economic situation is very good.. But two years When I went to the job fair at 3:00 in the morning, there was already a long way to go. Unemployment continued after two years. The murder continued..

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Extended Reading
  • Seamus 2022-04-09 09:01:08

    The opening is really interesting, the rhythm is too slow, the acting of the perverted killer is super good, but the detective really didn't do anything substantive, and he won't be chasing after the second season.

  • Destin 2022-04-05 09:01:07

    The psychopathic history of a boy who was seduced and raised by his own mother. The male lead's skills are very remarkable, and the characters have a strong sense of three-dimensionality, which is not a simple black and white. Those who want to destroy hope and those who guard the fire are irreconcilable, so wonderful