"Xing Fang": a time worth remembering

Toby 2021-10-22 14:34:39

TOM exclusive manuscript; may not be reprinted without permission.

"Moulin Rouge Movie": A Reminiscence of the Water-like Years Wen/Vulcan A world is often not just a plane. Many times, we will always miss those that have passed away. Because we know that no matter what I do, those may never come back again. However, one day two people came over and told us: I have brought back everything in that world for you. Then, we begin to perceive happiness. ——Vulcan Ji. Inscription. Robert Rodriguez's "Planet of Horror"; zombies + biochemical man + cyborg man + bloody massacre + cannibalism + perfect gunfire + the last holy land.We will see a weird and crazy world, even if everything seems very peaceful at first, yet, as those people in the movie said: before tonight. A group of soldiers abandoned by the United States were infected with chemical gases after they killed bin Laden. They relied on the chemical gases as if they were drugs. If they breathed in air without such gases, they would become suppurative and bloodthirsty. Eat the same kind. And those who splashed them with pus and blood, or those who were bitten by them, would turn into monsters just like them. Overnight, the whole world turned into a crazy purgatory with a proportional growth rate. The monsters with purulent bodies were killing everywhere, greedily devouring the few remaining human beings. A small number of people with antibodies on their bodies began to resist. The chemical engineers who could transform this antibody into an antidote were dead and established a base of resistance on the coast of Mexico. This world became the only remaining humans and those terrible monsters. The protracted battlefield. The scene of this movie often reminds me of a familiar PC game scene, that is, the "Haunted House" series of shooting games. The blood splashing and blasting design during the shooting are exactly the same as that of the game. The best effect is blasting, which has a very strong visual impact. And there are several tearing shots similar to the five-horse corpse, tearing a living place into several pieces, bloody, brutal and terrifying. Biting, cutting, swallowing, blood pus, amputation, biochemistry, machine guns, the movie uses a nearly straightforward cruel lens to continuously raging, what makes us powerless to resist is that this raging has a strong taste of indulgence. Fall, then fall to the bottom more thoroughly. Reflecting this coldness is the warm love of the hero and heroine. The dry vows and the baby in the last shot give us a warm texture. From the deserted and raging cities to the endless spring sunrise by the sea, the movie finally gave us this kind of hope: multiplying, fighting, and peaceful life, all of which are in the last holy land There is a kind of vigorous vigor. Quentin Tarantino suddenly became relaxed in this "Death Evidence". There is a sharp contrast between the lightness of the first half and the madness of the second half.This short film tells two stories that may not be related. The transition from the first story to the second story is just a simple camera switch, and between the two, it may be said that there are only two Stories that are similar but have a completely different ending. The narrative techniques used in the two stories are also very similar. They are both very peaceful dialogues and scenes that people think are life movies, but suddenly they suddenly turn into a very abrupt madness. Stunt man Mike, a crazy highway killer. Almost half of this short film is very smooth drag racing. Regarding a modified car as a tool for killing, and the scene of the killing turned into a car accident, Mike started his boring killing game on the highway in his own way. The beautiful legs in the first shot at the beginning of the movie finally flew out of the car and fell on the concrete road. The shot with all the tyrannical taste of Quentin made me understand that Quentin is actually not warm, it is still cold; everything It's just a trap of his ingenious design. Buried under the gorgeous drag racing is still Quentin's subconscious violent tendencies. At the beginning of the second story, the ten-minute long lens made me suddenly sigh. The lens seemed to be more like a toy to Quentin. The fascination with the long lens made me very impressed with this lens. . In addition to this long shot, there is also a set of shots that feel very good. It is a set of shots from the previous crash. When the car is flying, each character has a close-up of his face and a close-up of the moment he died. No Stopped and repeated the death of each character at the moment of the crash. Smoothness, pleasure, transitions and transitions, all of these make this short film more in my heart than "Planet of Horror". And this short film also embodies a kind of latent consciousness like a causal cycle. In the first story, Mike is a sadistic fanatic. To him, sadism seems to be just a freak hobby without any rational reason. However, for most of the time in the second story, I I thought it was just repeating the first story, but at the moment of the change of status, Mike went from sadism to sadism, and on the same road and similar characters frame the cart before the horse made me almost crazy. The unexpected contrast and the retribution of the causal cycle gave this film a deeper level of achievement and heritage.

The two short films, interspersed with several trailers for several new films and several "lost film" subtitles, this is the whole film. No matter the form, the old-fashioned film processing of images, or the patterned gore, bloody brutality...all of this film follows the "Grind house" of the 1970s and is named after it. For cult fans, such a movie, we may no longer be demanding on how well-designed the plot should be. As long as it is built on a metaphysical but not too pale foundation, as long as we show us everything we want to see, we will be happy to applaud. From a visual point of view, this movie can be described as very fast, whether it is "Planet of Horror" or "Proof of Death", or "Machete", "Wolf Girl of the Nazi SS", "Don't" and These trailers of "Thanksgiving" may never be filmed. Perhaps, what we are asking for is only the kind of crazy visual stimulation. When watching this movie, I always have a kind of semi-crazy pleasure; morbid, noisy, arrogant, tyrannical and so on. I just don't know if what I am obsessed with is the pleasure of visual masochism, or the induction of subconscious masochism.

Memorable years of age; beginning in a lustful dance, ending in the joyous jumping of three nemesis-like women. Tonight, I think it will be a special night; because we will follow Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez back to the poor conditions of the 70s in the last century to watch a complete B-level video film. In our opinion, all this seems to be out of reach and can never be reproduced. However, when we suddenly found everything that was impossible to reproduce on this day, does it mean that we also found a path leading to the great people of that era? Title, trailer, feature film, trailer, feature film, film is missing. The dilapidated film and the blotchy marks, all these are the very orthodox "Grind house" they brought back to us. We have missed a lot of things that must be missed in our time, but fortunately some people remember and reproduce all that for us. In the 21st century, we can still remember a certain film mode in a certain form, a time worth remembering. For us, this may be our most unique film experience, and for Quentin For Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez, this may be just a coincidence and creativity. Two movies with completely different styles and themes are unified together and become more tense because of a single idea. In this article, I pay tribute to Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez, to certain people in a certain era, and look back at that era that has passed away. Compared with the happy people of that era, we can say that on our journey of watching movies, we no longer continue to be incomplete because of the era that has passed away. This movie brings us a whole era of watching movies that swept the whole era. model.

2007-05-09; Yisi month Guimao day in Dinghai year. The Queen Mother's Birthday.

Note: The movie data extension link. ■Translated name: "Grind house" ■Translated name: "Ring Room", "The Mill Movie" ■Director: Robert Rodriguez (Robert Rodriguez), Quentin Tarantino (Quentin Tarantino) ■Starring: Rose Mai Gao En (Rose McGowan), Freddy Rodríguez (Freddy Rodríguez), Josh Brolin (Josh Brolin) ■Genre: Horror ■ Duration: 191 minutes ■ Country: United States ■ Language: English ■ Release : Dimen Films Company ■ Released: April 6, 2007 "Xing Fang": A Reminiscence of Time

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Extended Reading
  • Maggie 2022-04-20 09:01:26

    Desperate horror disgusting comedy for those who are sluggish and hopeless and love beauty by the way I love those promos

  • Asa 2022-03-22 09:01:27

    I really don't like this movie

Grindhouse quotes

  • J.T.: Hey, hey. You want some barbeque? Best in Texas.

    Cherry: Oh, no thanks.

    J.T.: What's the matter? You don't eat meat?

    Cherry: Oh, I eat meat. I also eat lots of shit.

    Cherry: [grins] See that?

    J.T.: What's that?

    Cherry: Shit-eating grin.

    J.T.: [laughs] You ought to be a comedian.

    Cherry: What do you think of the leg?

    J.T.: [laughs] Sure is funny.

  • [repeated line]

    Cherry: I was going to be a stand-up comedian.