
Abdullah 2022-03-20 09:02:05

What I am sharing with you today is a fantasy road movie, "The Wrist Cutters' Paradise", also known as "Love Traveler". "Wrist Cutters" always sounds confusing, but the movie itself is quite warm and humorous.

The decadent male protagonist Zia managed to get up, tidy up the messy room, and make everything spotless. Then, standing and cutting his wrists, he put a pool of blood, bright red and eye-catching, lying in the pool of strange blood. Ya just died like this. In fact, the picture is quite beautiful, and the layout is very good.

enmmm, this is a paradise for suicidal people. It looks no different from the human world. It is nothing but gray tones. It is nothing but no jokes. It sounds the same, but in different places, the residents here are all self-sufficient people, hanging themselves, cutting their wrists, setting themselves on fire, swallowing guns, etc., all kinds of fancy ways to die.

The family is about to be neat and tidy, so the mother who gave up the treatment, the father who hanged himself, Eugene who electrocuted himself with a guitar, and the younger brother who was suspected of being gay, all gathered in this place so magically and destinedly. Good luck.

When unexpectedly learned that his ex-girlfriend also came to this world, Chia, wow, very excited, can't wait to pull Eugene and drive to find Disri. Well, the subsequent plots are basically on the highway, driving for a long time, talking guns, black holes under the co-pilot, Michael the hitchhiker, and the three of them embarked on a journey of finding love together.

This is a paradise, so there will be miracles, men hanging in the air, mute women who can sing, flames flying into the sky, everything is wonderful. In the camp, Eugene met his true love, a dumb girl from the North Pole, and Chia and Michael also fell in love miraculously. I guessed that they could make it, seeing those big eyes talking.

In order to find Canel's dog, they came to a camp, and their "king" looked like a cult leader, saying that he was going to hold a ritual and commit suicide again to get the ascension of his soul to redeem his followers, which is quite nonsense. of.

Unexpectedly, Chia's ex-girlfriend Disri is also here, and they met for a long time. This girl has been brainwashed, right? Brainwashed while alive, and continued to follow the "king" when dead, mom.

Carnell, who whispered quietly, turned out to be the manager's undercover agent. Pfft, this is a funny development. I didn't expect that this suicide paradise actually has a manager. Michael, who happily followed the manager away, just like Eugene said. In that case, a girl said she would never come back after a while.

The promised 5 minutes, from day to night, did not wait until Michael's Chia only waited for Eugene, but it was also a farewell, Eugene was going to leave with his true love on the little train. In life, there are always encounters, partings, partings, partings, and my heart is sour.

The originally lively three-person journey suddenly turned into a lonely, aimless advance, perhaps thanks to the manager's blessing, Chia, who fell into the black hole under the co-pilot, miraculously returned to the world. The most beautiful thing in this world is that when you open your eyes and turn your head, you can see your lover, and you can see people bubbling with happiness.

Suicide is not the only way to solve the boring and painful things in life. As it is said in the movie, miracles will happen only when you don't care~ I wish us all the best~

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Extended Reading
  • Hadley 2022-03-25 09:01:11

    1 The world after suicide is no different from the real world, and it could be worse. 2 is not too persistent, but may be easily achieved.

  • Jamir 2022-04-24 07:01:15

    Very wonderful and fun, imaginary world and love story with low cost

Wristcutters: A Love Story quotes

  • Zia: [to Kneller] His headlights were broken for ages, and she fixed them just by touching a button.

  • Eugene: Let me put this way. Since you got here, how many times did you get laid, man?

    Zia: Why?

    Eugene: Just a question.

    Zia: Actually laid?

    Eugene: Yes.

    Zia: None, I think.

    Eugene: You think?

    Zia: None! But what's that got to do with any of this?

    Eugene: Plenty. 'Cause your sperm count is so high, you think you're having an out of body experience like nobody in the fucking universe, man.