A psychological thriller with religious satire at its core

Erling 2022-03-20 09:02:43

This is not a family ethics film, and the speculation that my uncle is my father can be put to rest (many foreign media film critics said that my uncle is obviously gay and very maternal). As can be seen from the title of the film "Joshua", the film is more of a religious satire hidden in a psychological thriller. Director George Ratliff made a documentary "House of Hell" in 2001. Hell House)", set his sights on Christian fundamentalists at that time, and the grandmother in this film is a Christian fundamentalist.

There is a scene in the movie, Joshua is reading the book of Joshua in the Bible, and happens to see the part of the massacre, which implies that Joshua's cruelty is innate, just like Joshua in the Bible, He didn't think he was abnormal in the slightest, and in his view, any means were justified in order to establish order. He doesn't even have the humanity and emotion of ordinary people. By imitating his father's sadness about the death of his dog, he pretends to be weak to win the trust and sympathy of others. This is a very clever way to win over others. At its core, the film is arguably a satire of Christian fundamentalism that has deeply influenced America, as well as a satire on the fundamental flaws of Western culture (the pursuit of one's faith at the expense of others).

At the end of the film, the perspective turns back to the discussion of family, without going deeper into religious metaphors, which is wise, as a psychological thriller, it touches the most fearful assumption in people's heart - if your own flesh and blood Born cruel.

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Extended Reading
  • Jevon 2022-03-16 09:01:07

    Life is so good and I still do something to do it, it seems that I really want to kill Joshua!

  • Brandon 2022-03-27 09:01:20

    Stupidity is dead, pure cold violence

Joshua quotes

  • Joe Cairn: [visiting to see the baby] How many rats in this building? I'm guessing a hundred.

  • Joshua Cairn: You know, you don't have to love me. That's not a rule of something.

    Brad Cairn: But I I*do* love you. You're my boy. I'll always love you, no matter what.