"Michael Clayton": Which side should you be on?

Dario 2021-11-27 08:01:17

这部影片最精彩的一幕是乔治克鲁尼扮演的克莱顿和蒂尔达斯文顿扮演的公司法定代表人凯伦第二次面对面交谈的场景。影片在此时依然在“卖关子”,它并没有告诉我们迈克尔到底选择了什么。而迈克尔在对话中也一直在敲诈凯伦,他的口气好像是只认钱而不再在乎Arthur了(I’m not the guy that you kill,I’m the guy that you buy)。直到他套出了凯伦的话然后一句:“You’re so fucked.”我们才知道故事的结局:迈克尔最终选择了良知,选择了Arthur这一边。影片的结尾,克莱顿上了一辆出租车,“给我开五十美元的”,他舒了一口气,我的心也随之落了地。
It is worth mentioning that the three main actors of this movie: George Clooney, Tom Wilkinson, and Tilda Swinton performed very well. Especially Tilda, she showed the contradictions of this woman vividly and vividly. Don't look at her freely in the public. In fact, this strong woman also hates her behavior of telling lies against her conscience in private. It's not very cold-blooded. From the climax of the dialogue in the final film, it can be seen that she is also very scared. She would also be nervous because she hired someone to kill someone (a shot in the toilet), but in the face of benefits and her own strong psychology, she chose to be a murderer. In the end, Tilda won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress by virtue of this role, which is well deserved!
The performance of the veteran actor Tom Wilkinson was commendable. He performed the seemingly crazy Arthur, who is actually very clear-headed, very natural and full of tension. This has to be said to be a level.

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Extended Reading
  • Treva 2022-03-24 09:01:41

    There is nothing to comment on, the ending is very cool, the big comeback is cool, after reading it, I also want to run downstairs to take a car and hand over $50 to the driver wherever I go

  • Kailey 2022-03-24 09:01:41

    Hollywood Huang Xiaoming

Michael Clayton quotes

  • Karen Crowder: This is a three billion dollar class action lawsuit. In the morning, I have to call my board. I have to tell them that the architect of our defense was arrested for running naked in the street. What sickness is he talking about?

  • Michael Clayton: I don't know. It could be a number of things.

    Karen Crowder: Well, give me one.

    Michael Clayton: Frostbite.

    Karen Crowder: [shocked] You think this is funny!