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Junius 2022-06-27 10:34:05

The movies that these so-called horror masters used to make are not really scary. Movies like "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" and "American Werewolf in London" never felt scary. The American understanding of terror always seems to be a vicious, bloody scene with women screaming.

The real terror comes from people's hearts, not from the outside world. Only oneself can frighten oneself. The Japanese understand this better than the Americans.

Maybe it would be better to watch this episode without being frightened. There are a few good episodes. Although the scenes and props of "Incident On and Off A Mountain Road" are familiar, the plot still has quite a twist; "Jenifer" "It's a bit like "X-Files", "Pick Me Up" is a typical road movie plus a murderous mode, and the hunting process is more exciting. Some are rather boring. In that "Sick Girl", Americans seem to have a special fear of insects...

It is worth mentioning that there are dew points in almost every episode, and there are bed scenes every two episodes, horror plus eroticism. What is what. LMs don't hurry up to the next one??! !

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Masters of Horror quotes

  • Stacia: The only question is which one of you is the bigger psycho?

  • Bruce: Everyone's sorry for something, Ellen... I'll survive.