Best Director of the Oscar of the Year in My Heart

Tressie 2021-11-26 08:01:44

This sister article, which is closely followed by "Flags of Our Fathers", gives people two completely different feelings under the same historical background. Gathering elite Japanese actors, with the help of Clint Eastwood's heart and eyes, we once again deeply reflect on war, looking for something more terrifying than war.

The enemy has invaded our territory. As a soldier, of course we must defend our homeland, but why did the war start? If you don’t bomb Pearl Harbor, will the Americans run so far to hit you? The country’s sins should be borne by the policymakers and should not make the people suffer. Although war is the will of the country, not an individual, the terrible thing is that the country can always quietly transform this will into the will of the people through various means. Just like the general, he can’t tell the difference between the two. Like the mothers of both sides wrote to their sons, "Do the right things because they are right."

Basically, I watched this movie in tears, and I can't remember how many episodes, memories, and letters moved me. A few days ago I was still yelling: "Just wipe out Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan." Now it's naive to think about it. If a real war breaks out, will I bravely sign up for the army? Furthermore, will I face the guns bravely? I dare not, I am afraid I dare not even point my gun at the enemy.

This film is the real killer of Clint Eastwood, the real emperor, and "Flags of Our Fathers" is just a pavement, a little soldier to build momentum. Looking at the shortlist for this year's Oscar's best movies, "Babel" and "Littel Miss Sunshine" Although it is good enough, it is obviously not above the same level as the film. However, because the film is in Japanese and the previous "Million Babies" is already beautiful enough, this time the difficulty of scenery suddenly increased. No matter what the final result is, the best Oscar in my heart is none other than him.

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Extended Reading
  • Kellie 2022-03-22 09:01:40

    The filming is very real, the war is really cruel

  • Yolanda 2022-04-24 07:01:05

    To live is a kind of happiness, a kind of expectation

Letters from Iwo Jima quotes

  • General Tadamichi Kuribayashi: You again?

  • General Tadamichi Kuribayashi: Everything happens in threes.