Running for student council president, have you succeeded?

Eusebio 2022-09-21 20:44:40

How did you run for student council president on your college campus? Make a poster, prepare a campaign speech, make a presentation in front of thousands of people? And then open the vote, everything happens?

Look at how Payton campaigned in The Politician. It's no exaggeration to call it a high school version of House of Cards: with a four-person campaign team, his girlfriend's political sacrifice won sympathy, and in order to increase recognition, a girl with cancer was invited to be the vice chairman , using an algorithmic model to calculate the probability of winning, and using PowerPoint as a chart to show the rivalry between the enemy and the enemy, so professional that he can no longer be professional; and the challenges he encountered were dramatic. Two weeks before the announcement of the election results, his opponent was also a friend who committed suicide in person, and the cancer girl maintained her medication.” Cancer", the disappearance of his campaign opponent led to Payton himself being thrown into prison, twice in the last week by the opponent's rat poison, and the opponent publicly quit in the last hour...

The Politician puts the political struggles of the adult world on a group of high school students. The contrast between the high school students' childishness and their monstrous ambitions makes the audience laugh, but at the same time ask themselves, this seems to be the life of today's elite children in America. ?

ps: This drama is also a good material for learning English, and the new word rate is around 10%

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