"11:14" film analysis

Sigurd 2022-04-27 06:01:02

"11:14" is a commercial crime film directed and written by American director Greg Marks. In a multi-line narrative, the director told five stories that happened in the town at the same time. The film tells the story of Shirley going out to have sex with Ellen despite her father's obstruction. During the period, Ellen was killed by the head on the tombstone; at the same time, her ex-boyfriend was in a convenience store clerk for his girlfriend's $500 abortion fee with a female clerk. He planned a robbery and acted out a shooting case; Shirley's father found Alan's body in the cemetery. In order not to let Alan destroy Shirley, he dumped Shirley's body; The story of being smashed into the car of Shelly's third boyfriend, Jack. And the plot of the three rebellious boys killing Shirley in the film belongs to the insertion plot. Even without this story, the film is still complete, but the addition of this plot makes the film fuller and more dramatic. At the beginning, the red taillights gave a warning of danger, and the dark tone was used to eliminate the positive aspects of red and leave the negative meaning. The montage at the end of the film is well used, with the heroine Shirley walking to transfer and edit all the important plot points and scenes together. The characters in the film are very ingeniously shaped. Although the values ​​of the protagonist cannot be recognized and cannot give the audience a sense of substitution, they will not give the audience a boring feeling. Moreover, the film can still pass dramatic coincidences and fast-paced editing. Set up suspense and other techniques to attract the audience's attention. This multi-line narrative method of this film has appeared in many films, such as "Rashomon" directed by Akira Kurosawa, "Pulp Fiction" directed by Quentin Tarantino, and another example directed by Ding Sheng. The Police Story 2013. In terms of time, space and plot, this kind of puzzle-like structure is incomplete when taken out alone, but it is complete when all the sections are put together, which is why the ingenious design of the film can be shown. The film "11:14" splices space, that is, what happens in different places at the same time. The film "11:14" is very cleverly designed in both story and structure, giving people a bright feeling. The butterfly effect and causal cycle in the film are thought-provoking.

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11:14 quotes

  • Duffy: Where the fuck's my bowling ball?

  • Officer Hannagan: [talking to a medic] We got a human penis right there by the curb. Somebody's gotta be looking for that.