
Daron 2022-06-27 20:25:15

Beast-faced beauty?
Coupled with a coquettish figure and a clear humming, a woman with a terrifying face shows a man's bestiality in the most provocative mood.
A male cop finds a man about to kill a woman - kills the man, saves the woman - walks into a nightmare - kills a woman for relief - appears another

man finds the male cop about to kill a woman and kills the male cop to save the woman... The story follows
a kind of reincarnation routine of continuing horror movies. From the beginning, you can see the ending movie. There is no suspense in the story. Although the scenes are bloody, the facts are not

scary. The woman's beastly attack didn't terrify me, but the burst of lust terrified me. When a man sees that

the little animal he brought home for pitiful reasons is a beast that devours his family, his reactions range from furious to helpless to transforming the beast's relationship with his family. A little bit of

man's bizarre psychology revealed. The difference between a beast and a man is only in the face, and the essence of instinct is the same.

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Extended Reading
  • Darion 2022-06-27 21:34:57

    Unless all of these crap are the Yankees talking to themselves, I really can't accept that the Japanese speak English all the time... Damn I wish I was watching the castrated version!

  • Clemens 2022-06-27 23:55:29

    In the first season, I liked the following four episodes: Episode 1 Mountain Road Accident, Episode 6 Homecoming, Episode 9 Rebirth, Episode 13 The Memoirs of a Ghostbrick. . Season 2: Episode 2 Home, Episode 6 Fur, Episode 13 Nightmare Cruise. Finally, I suddenly feel that foreign horror films are a little psychotic, they are all psychopaths.

Masters of Horror quotes

  • Stacia: The only question is which one of you is the bigger psycho?

  • Bruce: Everyone's sorry for something, Ellen... I'll survive.