In the works of Alan Sorkin, what is the level of the drama of "Jasmine Card Game"?

Sylvester 2021-11-23 08:01:11

First, let me explain that "The Card Game of Jasmine" is a film adapted from a biographical novel written by Jasmine himself, most of which restore the content of the original novel. The subject of the film is biographical, which happens to be director Aaron Sorkin's specialty. This is similar to "The Social Network" and "Steve Jobs", which he wrote before.

The only difference is that "Social Network" demonstrates Mark Zuckerberg's creativity and talent through two legal proceedings, while "Steve Jobs" focuses on three product launches to depict the legendary history of Jobs. But "Jasmine Card Game" is different. This movie opened the heart of the "Queen of Poker" through a conversation between the protagonist Jasmine and her conscience lawyer Chalie Jaffey.

The very intuitive result is that "Social Network" won the best Oscar for best adapted screenplay, and "Molly Card Game" was an Oscar accompaniment, but it was also nominated for the Oscar Award.

But for these two films, there is no way to truly measure their core values ​​by just relying on the pomp and storyline. The reason is that "Molly Card Game" took place in a real game involving too many Hollywood stars, politicians and financial predators. Among the well-known ones are Little Plum, Ben Affleck, and Tobey Maguire, the first-generation actor of Spider-Man. And the center of the movie is that Jasmine tried her best to protect the privacy of her gamblers, preferring to be sentenced to jail rather than betraying her customers. So naturally Sorkin took a lot of effort to hide everyone's real names. He said that he didn't want this movie to be a movie about gossip. I have read the comments written by some people on the Internet, and many said that Jasmine is unpleasant, that she is not legendary enough, and the story is plain. If it is said that for a little girl who started with nothing as a bookkeeper, she can develop her poker game to such a top prestige and gather top celebrities in just a few years, and then lose everything overnight and make a comeback, and then be caught by the police. If everything is lost after arrest, if this is not a legend, then the legend defined by people may be different from person to person. Seeing the essence clearly, she is just a very smart person with a desire to make money, purposefulness, courage, and a personal moral bottom line.

As for "Social Network", Sorkin's description of Mark Zuckerberg is very neutral and does not have too much emotional color. "You're not an asswhole ,Mark, you just trying so hard to be." said by the trainee lawyer at the end of the movie may not only be the feeling of the viewer after watching the movie, but perhaps also Sorkin's evaluation of Mark zukerberg. When he was writing the screenplay, he never thought of the man who created the world’s largest social network (Facebook) as a god or a legend. In my opinion, he just tried his best to restore the truth of the incident, so that people could see that in addition to his superficial scenery, What a price it was in exchange for.

However, it is quite different in "Jasmine Card Game". It can be clearly seen that Sorkin’s shooting angle is that he has learned about the whole matter and defended it through justice lawyers. Under the skin of the "Queen of Poker", she has her own moral bottom line and incomprehensible self-esteem. So in the last shot, I returned to Jasmine and fell to the ground when she tripped over a tree branch while participating in the Olympics. She refused to be lifted up and cared by others. She stood up strong and won the applause of everyone. This scene has nothing to do with the plot of the movie in essence, but it is mixed with Sorkin's personal feelings, and he hopes that Jasmine can win the respect of others.

People are animals with their own feelings. Some people can give up benevolence and morality for money and climb to the top alone. Some people can retain their last morality and dignity when they have lost everything.

——Original author: PETA

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Extended Reading
  • Godfrey 2022-04-24 07:01:06

    Aaron Sorkin's directorial debut, the script has a distinct personal style, talkative but not exhausting, with golden sentences. But compared to the movie, I felt more like watching a three-episode mini-series. I bought the book immediately after reading it.

  • Tianna 2022-03-24 09:01:48

    Because there are many similarities, I couldn't help but compare, and the core of the story lost to "Ms. Sloan". In fact, the rhythm of the previous poker games is quite exciting and good, but when it comes to the argument of feminism and lack of love, it is a bit untenable. Chastain is really suitable for playing such a strong woman who drives herself to death. This one is more vulnerable and helpless than Sloan, which is well received.

Molly's Game quotes

  • Douglas Downey: There's a poem... a famous... uh... a poem about... thoughts left unexpressed. "Two roads emerged from the woods. Do they explode? I dunno" You like poetry?

    Molly Bloom: I did until a second ago

  • Stella: Wait, aren't... You're Molly Bloom, right?

    Molly Bloom: Yeah.

    Stella: You don't look the same as in your photos.

    Molly Bloom: None of us do.