
Cameron 2022-04-07 08:01:02

A comedy master of the same era as Chaplin.
The most famous of his comedies are "Seven Chances" and "Safe at Last". The names must be unfamiliar, but as long as the scenes in these two movies are mentioned, everyone must be very clear.
"Seven Chances" is the one that many brides chase after a groom.
"Final Safety" is the one where Buster Keaton hangs the time on the great clock on the clock tower.
His family was a showbiz family, which also contributed to Buster Keaton's unique style of comedy.
In his works, the film language is rich, and the comedy works are very carefully designed.
This is also the most famous comedy star in the silent film that he can be called with Chaplin.

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Extended Reading
  • Rhea 2022-04-07 08:01:02

    Small dreams, pure emotions. In order to wait for the call from the goddess, I got dressed and sat down in the morning, and ran to the other party's house as soon as I received the call. It was really cute and silly. Keaton, who joined MGM, has gone downhill, but there's still that moving romance and a sense of big-picture, Chinatown fire and a war movie.

  • Nolan 2022-04-07 09:01:08

    7/10. The core of Keaton's comedy is undoubtedly the action space. The audience expects Keaton's flexible action response to escape from the chaotic and dangerous environment and liberate from the constraints of space. In the opening scene, Keaton sets the camera in the courtyard between the two houses. The office-like space is limited (several smashes of the glass on the door suggest Keaton's desire to escape the confines). The crowded bus, the pool changing room, and the rain-drenched back seat of the car run through the restrictions on movement. At the climax, Keaton enters the other's dream-like space (Chinatown Rush), and there are many clever tricks in scheduling: Keaton Panning the camera calmly in the big melee, the legs of the camera stand were broken, the platform he climbed on collapsed, he fell to the ground, and escaped to the back of the cargo bag, the monkey changed the film cassette and fired a machine gun to attract the killer to counterattack, he hid in Shooting from the window of the house, the Chinese killer pressed the switch to make the curtain droop, was rescued by the police and escaped from his ambulance. The causal relationship and spatial location of the incident were closely matched, which greatly stimulated and shocked the audience, but these disintegrating fast editing effects Because of the coherence of the movements, the flexible movements are all performed by monkeys, and there is no chance for Patton to display his unique physical skills.

The Cameraman quotes

  • Buster: Aren't the Yankees playing today?

    Yankee Stadium Groundskeeper: Sure... in St. Louis!

  • Sally Richards: Don't be discouraged. No one would ever amount to anything if he didn't try.