The influence of religion in ghost movies

Sam 2021-12-01 08:01:27

Many foreign ghost films are found to give you a lot of inspiration about the interpretation of the Bible and the word of God. They play a major detective nature in ghost films.
In Annabel One, evil wrote on the ceiling: I want your soul, I want to go Mia’s soul, because it knows that a mother will do anything to protect her child. It took advantage of Mia's natural fragility and weakness, allowing her to compromise easily and destroy her will. She guided her to jump down the window to give her soul to the evil. Seeing this, I finally understand why people who commit suicide cannot enter heaven. It turns out: Jumping out of the window is equivalent to suicide, and suicide is equivalent to giving your own soul. demon. This way, you will never get into heaven. That's why the devil will guide you to give your soul to it by jumping out of the window, which is a bad way to commit suicide. However, the words on the ceiling are full of words: Your soul is equivalent to the process of the demon guiding you, leading you to the window until the moment of suicide. That's the hint that the devil in your heart gave you and let you go on the road of no return.
So in real life, weakness and all negative emotions are equivalent to the demons and demons in your heart suggesting to you. They will make people become negative, and to a certain extent, they will make you want to do things that end your soul. --suicide. So this process is the devil at work. From the beginning of your negative emotions to the outbreak of negative emotions and then to suicide, it is actually just like the plot of Annabel! The ghost film uses a metaphor and embodiment to show how the devil guides you through pictures and performances and special effects. People have never understood why the words in the bible seem to be so mysterious, but they have always been the soul sustenance and soul guide of Westerners. In fact, they carefully analyze the words and then combine the pictures and words in real life. That is A complete explanation. The role of the ghost film is to show you and explain these principles in detail through the method of dynamic pictures, and hope that those who don't understand can be enlightened.
Regrettably, most people see the heavy use of Christianity, priests and the Bible in ghost films, and they crudely think that the devil is connected with them. Yes, they are related, but they are powerful weapons used to destroy the devil.

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Extended Reading
  • Katlyn 2022-04-20 09:01:41

    I just want to know if anyone really likes to collect such terrible dolls!

  • Kirsten 2022-04-21 09:02:01

    1. The foreplay is too long, and the ending is shot in seconds. 2. The gift that this ugly doll is given to others, the person who receives it still thinks it is perfect, it is simply wonderful. 3. The priest told you to call and find someone for you. Why do you rush to dedicate yourself in a hurry? 4. I'm just a neighbor, I've only seen it a few times, and I just gave my life casually?

Annabelle quotes

  • Father Perez: The loveliest masterpiece of the heart of God is the heart of a mother.

  • Evelyn: I'm old. Which means there's very little that surprises me anymore and if it does, I'm too tired to show it.