The biggest hidden easter egg in the movie brings an end that is not destined to be too happy!

Mina 2021-12-02 08:01:26

There seem to be many unreasonable places in the movie, because we did not understand the deepest hidden easter egg.

However, after understanding this easter egg, the happy ending of the movie is destined not to be reunited.

1. From the end of the movie, Pikachu fell from the top of the building, and Tim could freely fall to the ground while Pikachu was able to reach the ground from the top of the building through the stairs. It can be seen that this man is very fast;

2. The scenes of Tim fearing and falling in the movie many times can prove that this man can't fly;

3. Tim is a positive character.

And men who have these three characteristics at the same time will have such a title "Flash"!

That's right, Tim is the Flash of the Pokémon world!

As the fastest person in the world, he undoubtedly possesses the power of superb speed.

This also explains why Chaomeng cannot separate Pikachu and Harry like other people, but needs Tim to do this. The answer is that Chaomeng needs superb power!

The fact may be this. Harry's body was rendered useless due to a car accident, and Harry's soul was transferred to Pikachu by Super Dream using super powers. In order to resurrect Harry, Super Dream can only use Tim’s swift power to return to the accident and protect Harry with super powers, creating a new timeline in which Harry is not injured, so as to smoothly separate Pikachu and Harry and resurrect him. profit.

And why Tim can understand Pikachu's language can also be explained with superb power.

Pikachu's body is Harry's soul, so although its body structure determines that it cannot make a human voice, its vocal cord movement, mouth shape and other muscle usage habits are still left from humans. The super-sensory power that perceives subtle high-speed movements is one of the super abilities brought by the super power. Tim didn't understand Pikachu's language, but used super powers to perceive Pikachu's vocal cord movement and then understand Pikachu's meaning. This also explains why Tim can't understand the language of other Pokémon, and why Tim can't understand Pikachu's language after Harry is separated from Pikachu.

So here comes the real problem. We all know that a series of conflicts in "The Flash" were caused by manipulating the timeline with superb power, and even caused the universe to restart.

What will happen in the Pokémon world? The movie has no end credits, we can only rely on our imagination. However, through "The Flash" we know that the result of playing with time is destined to not be too good.

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