Care about choice

Kelsie 2021-11-30 08:01:28

In other films, some

agreed with

Wachowski as a cosmopolitan work . The first shock was of course the shock that the Matrix brought to the teenagers. Picking up the trilogy more than ten years later, although I don't feel the same shock as it was at the beginning, it is still an epoch-making work after all.

Afterwards, the V-letter Vendetta team became a must-see bible in the entire circle during a certain period of time when they were obsessed with politics.

In general, the works of the Wachowski brothers (siblings) are somewhat depressive, conflicting, gloomy, and gloomy.

This kind of obvious dramatic conflict always runs through the

2012 cloud map in the work. Although the score is also very high, I personally think it is a slightly failed work. The lives of the six people have a span of time and space that is suffocating. The theme of the performance is similar to flying over the lunatic asylum, and similar to various nigger movies.

The core of the values ​​embodied is very mainstream in the United States.

However, its epic effect is not as good as the black sci-fi heroism works. The first time the Watcher watched the movie, it shocked people.

And when the audience's cultural background is different from that of the United States, it is also difficult to resonate.

The Super Sense Group of Eight, it can be said that its narrative structure is very similar to Yuntu, and Pei Douna's participation even makes people feel like a sequel to Yuntu.

The cast of the former is not gorgeous.

For the latter, the Korean team's lineup is also old drama bones.

Coincidentally, the audiences of the two dramas were confused by the first 40 minutes/first 3-4 episodes of their story structure. Each has its own story, and occasionally there are sporadic intersections.

This is actually a test of the patience of the audience.

We can guess arbitrarily. This multi-symphony-like narrative is Wachowski's another attempt after 12 years of cloud diagrams.

However, this attempt was much more successful than the last one.

Netflix's episodes give Wachowski more time to avoid the obvious disadvantages of multiple narratives, which require a lot of film time.

However, the theme and content of the story, from a certain perspective, also continue a classic theme of the Matrix Trilogy-the choice of life.

blue pill or red pill

and this can actually be seen in Lana Wachowski's choice of personal life.

Gender selection and personal life.

From this perspective, in fact, the two brothers have not been prolific directors for 15 years, 3+3+1, (the super-sensing group of eight can be regarded as a three-part level), but the topics explored are actually not too much. big change.

Eight people living in different parts of the world are

more like a documentary. One day, life is full of different flavors,

each person makes his own choice, and then pay for it

watching this show, I have a good time with an old friend, see you after more than ten years, Sit and discuss the illusion of life perception.

It was as if I saw an old friend who spoke from the bottom of my heart. I was moved to tears just now.

Wachowski’s understanding of life has gone a step further and

it’s worth talking about.

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Extended Reading
  • Vickie 2022-03-31 09:01:03

    A life soap opera in a sci-fi guise. The setting similar to the cloud map is very chewy. The first few episodes are quite attractive, but the paragraphs in the middle of bad vulgar predicament and everyone crying and recalling the past are hypocritical. I really want to fast forward. The main line was so weak that it was deliberately introduced at the end of the season in pursuit of viewing pleasure, but fortunately it was still a climax. 4 stars at the beginning, 2 stars in the middle, 4 stars at the end, 3 and a half stars overall #The whole world is speaking American#

  • Kayleigh 2022-04-02 09:01:02

    The old man pinched his fingers, this cluster still lacks an accountant (go!)