Live up to expectations, Panda 3

Isom 2021-12-01 08:01:25

I have been looking forward to it for several years, and finally waited for the third part. A Bao, a panda that doesn't fit my aesthetics, is so attractive to me.
There is nothing to say about the special effects. It's also a big bull for foreigners to play with Chinese elements like this. Ink and wash titles, shadow puppets, pavilions, pavilions, bridges and pavilions, Hanfu, all kinds of Chinese styles are harmoniously blended, and there is a Chinese mouth shape. From the details, we can see the respect for Chinese culture and the emphasis on the Chinese market.

The theme of the story is still the search and sublimation of self-worth. The master said, "If you never do things outside the scope of your ability, you will never make progress" and "be yourself." A Bao finally understood the true meaning when he taught the villagers of Panda Village martial arts to resist the invasion of the evil spirits. The strongest weapon is to understand your own strengths, discover your potential, and be your best self. Understanding yourself, self-confidence, and the courage to innovate are also applicable to each of us. Whether a movie is good or not, in addition to making you hilarious in the cinema, it should also give you some inspiration. Panda 3 did not disappoint me.

In this episode, Master Tortoise and other martial arts masters who were imprisoned in the spirit world took away their qi, and the heroes who were taken away turned into emerald zombies. The only thing that can save the people is— -Shenlong heroes.

At this time, the Shenlong hero was forced to become a teacher, teaching Jiaojiao and other senior brothers and sisters, of course, his catching ducks on the shelves made the teacher quite incompetent in this job, and he was ridiculed. At the same time, Abao's father Li Shan looked for his son everywhere. The scene of meeting with my son was quite funny. It was heard that someone broke the record of A Bao eating steamed buns. A Bao rushed to the scene curiously. Looks stunned. The two introduced each other in a friendly manner. One was looking for a son, the other was looking for a daddy, and then wished each other an early goal. They turned and said goodbye. The crowd was shocked by their low IQ, until the two suddenly realized each other. It's the person I've been looking for all day long, then hug it tightly and take a photo together passionately. PS: The affection scene of two fathers and one baby is quite touching.

In order to learn qigong and defeat Tiansha, A Bao returned to Panda Village with his father, a magical paradise full of billows, and the scenery is full of Chinese classical charm. A Bao found himself among his companions, which belonged to the panda's characteristics, and also met a doll relative, a panda sister Zhi Meimei who is overconfident and good at dancing ribbons. After enlightening Master's teaching, A Bao quickly created a panda army with strong personal abilities according to the characteristics of each person. He also comprehended Qigong and finally defeated the evil forces.

Yu Renying (also translated by Lu Inrong and Jennifer Yu), Korean female director, directed Panda 2 and 3, story director, action scene director and dream scene director of Panda 1, the 39th American Annie Awards "Best Film" Winner of the "Animation Director" award. In this world where women can hold up half of the sky, we still have to give these outstanding women a big praise.

Kung Fu Panda 3 is the first Sino-US co-produced cartoon, with one-third of the Chinese ancestry behind it. One of the producers is the "Oriental DreamWorks", which is 55% owned by China. This means that its release in China no longer occupies the quota of imported blockbuster movies, but has received the same 43% box office share treatment as domestic films. From the point of view, we can see that its 11 new films such as Star Wars 7, Dragon Hunting and other blockbuster hits can get 12.5% ​​of the lineup, and 31% of the box office can be seen. From January 29th to February 1st, the cumulative box office has reached 433 million, which is very impressive. The Spring Festival is approaching, and the visual film can get 1 billion.

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Kung Fu Panda 3 quotes

  • Kai: [to Crane] Your chi is strong, just like your friend,

    [brandishes Mantis talisman]

    Kai: the bug.

    Crane: Mantis!

    [tries to attack Kai but is overpowered]

    Kai: Don't worry, little birdie. I'll put your chi to good use: destroying the Jade Palace and *everyone* in it.

    Crane: No!

    [kicks barrel at Kai, then flies off, but is caught]

    Crane: Wings of... Regret!

  • Li: Panda's don't walk. We roll!