What do you want in love?

Sheridan 2021-11-28 08:01:18

I watched "Dear John" the day before yesterday, the Chinese translation of "Break Up Letter".

Basically, this is a faint movie. It uses a lot of space to talk about the acquaintance and quarrel of a pair of lovers, missing tears and sharing happiness. The second half is only about the male protagonist's forbearance and plain life after the troop received the female protagonist’s letter of parting. After meeting again, the emotions gush out after knowing each other's current living conditions, and then embrace the story of warmth (or each thinking about each other and living independently, the movie has two endings). I guess this must be a movie that men cannot understand, although it is a movie directed by a man.

The heroine and the hero love each other deeply, so why do they break up suddenly?

Because the heroine can't bear the vacuum of loneliness, frustration, non-existence, powerlessness, and meaninglessness during the service of the hero, she needs someone to rely on, a person who can hug her at any time, this person is even a patient As a husband, he doesn’t have any advantage, but he is a mature person who loves the heroine very much. They give a light and a silent acceptance. They all know that it is a request, and they all know that the heroine has one and only one in his heart. The male protagonist exists, so they are made together.

It is really the "Wuthering Heights" of modern society.

I am married to someone else, because I need the warmth from strangers to support myself to live, and the only purpose of surviving is to continue to love you~~ It

seems so ridiculous.

I just watched a very similar movie the other day, "White Night Walk", Keigo Higashino's book, a Korean movie version. It is about "I am married to someone else because I need money from strangers to support our future lives, and the only purpose of surviving is to continue to love you~~"

is also a script written by a man.

Does the hostess do this with some other emotions, for example, am I really loved by this person; he will definitely understand my choices and practices; my body is elsewhere but my heart will always belong He and only belong to him~~ and so on.

The ending of the story is of course very tragic, maybe this is also the original intention of the man screenwriter and the director, telling those dreaming women, emotional women, and self-women with stories that are similar to fables. There are two possibilities to do this, one is you The person who loves you deeply and deeply regrets that you will be muddled for life. The other is that the person you love and love you deeply chooses to die in order to save you.

Men and women will break up. There are no more than two possibilities. One is that one party clearly knows what they want and the other can't give it; the second is that one party doesn't know what they want and the other party is at a loss.

In love, what do you want? John wants persistence and waiting, while Savannah wants warm embrace and daily company~~


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Extended Reading

Dear John quotes

  • Savannah Curtis: Dear John. Tell me everything. Write everything down. That way, we will be with each other all the time even if we're not with each other at all.

  • Savannah Curtis: What can happen in 12 months, John? Tonight, you're here with me.