Today, how do we do Noah (repost)

Mathilde 2021-11-19 08:01:28
As a Christian, he will carefully choose movies based on the Bible and Christianity. I watched this set of Evan Almighty who quoted the Bible Noah's Ark in the form of a comedy. I really hope to recommend it to Christians who have believed in the Lord and friends who have not believed in the Lord. Although it looks like a nonsense comedy on the surface, you will find that the whole movie does not distort the principles in the Bible. On the contrary, it expresses two very important messages:
1. Noah's Ark is an Old Testament deed that all Christians are familiar with. . But, have you ever wondered: How do we live out Noah's life today, at this moment? How do we build the Ark (ARK)? In the film’s dialogue, I said something I never cared about: "How do you build the ARK? By an Act of Random Kindness each day." Act of Random Kindness --> ARK is just in line with the greatest commandment in the Bible Life: "You must love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul, and then love your neighbor as yourself." Only by loving your neighbor as yourself can you act with kindness anytime, anywhere (random).

2. The protagonist goes from unbelief, to being chosen by God, ignorant of God's will, constantly bargaining, resisting and struggling, to following the Lord and obeying the Lord; it is also the "growth process" that Christians are used to. However, I especially like the ending credits. After the actor completes the mission of God, he walks with his family in the grassland, and then meets with God: the exchanges between the two are completely deep-knowing friends. They can make heart-to-heart, talk and laugh, and even together. Dance. In this situation, the hero is not a toiling servant. He is a friend who can rest and share with God. This is exactly what God often reminds us: "What you are receiving now is no longer the heart of a slave." Resting and fellowship with God is truly what God intends for us.

3. When the actor finds that he can't dismiss his spirits, he can only search the information about building the Ark on the Internet. When it is found that only five members of his family have built such a huge Ark, the actor shouts: Impossible!
But immediately the actor saw God himself supply wood, tools, and even a copy of "Ark-Building for Dummies"!
There are two spiritual lessons here: First, our impossible; in God it is I'm Possible. Second, the mission proposed by God, He will provide everything we need.

View more about Evan Almighty reviews

Extended Reading
  • Derrick 2021-11-19 08:01:28

    There are powerful grass and mud horses!

  • Maximillian 2022-03-26 09:01:04

    When God is manifested, where are the ordinary believers?

Evan Almighty quotes

  • God: [on a piece of paper] Ask, and you receive.

  • Congressmen: [reciting the Pledge] I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the United States of America, and to the Republic, for which it stands-

    [God suddenly appears right next to Evan]

    God: One Nation, under Me, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

    [looks at Evan]

    God: How long you wanna do this son? I've got all eternity.

    [Evan faints on spot]