Believe in the power of the gospel

Garnett 2021-11-19 08:01:28

I watched "Fake Tenjin 2" and found that there is a surprising difference from the first satire of God a few years ago. Evan is a news anchor, he became a member of Congress with "change the world" as his campaign platform. (I think of Obama for no reason. Well, in fact, they are just similar campaign slogans. Or the director has the foresight?) Evan’s first night in Washington, he and his wife prayed separately at the bedside, and the wife said, hope we The family will be closer; my husband said, I hope God can help me change the world. So the next day God appeared to Evan in the image of a black man. God said, you have to tell the world that the flood is coming, and you have to put aside all your work in Congress and build an ark around your home.

It turned out to be a new century fable of "Noah's Ark". In Washington in the 21st century, Evan, who had just become a member of Parliament, wanted to declare the arrival of the flood. How could this be possible? It is precisely the absurdity created by this director that created a modern version of Genesis, which has brought a lot of impact to the post-modern audience. But thinking about it the other way round, there might be a TV station in Noah's time. You build the ark there, and in front of you are rows of cameras and microphones. Perhaps there will be such a scenario in the news tonight, "The latest news from this station, Mr. Noah is still continuing his work of building the ark. However, according to the weather station’s forecast, there will be no possibility of flooding in the next year. The government has submitted a notice to Mr. Noah to demolish illegal buildings within a time limit. Mayor Mr. Smith said that the actions of Noah’s family have severely affected all efforts in the city to build a harmonious society. "Well, everyone lives and works in peace and contentment, and you Do you dare to say like John the Baptist that the end of the world is coming? Evan felt that these would really ruin all his political careers in the future. He was like the prophet Jonah in the "Old Testament", avoiding this unlucky errand several times. But his beard told him the meaning of what he had to do. The longer and longer, the more and more like the 600-year-old Noah. As a result, his wife and children also left this "abandoned by the world" man.

So God appeared to Evan’s wife as a waiter in a Canadian restaurant and spoke the deepest words: When you pray to change the world, do you think God will directly change the world or give you a chance to let you Participate in the change of this world? When you pray to make your family closer, do you think God will directly make your family closer or give you a chance to make your efforts to become closer?

All the animals gathered on Evan’s construction site, and his wife and children came back, but all the neighbors laughed at him. The Evans stood on the Ark, living in this era, but jumping out of the various definitions of the era. In the end, his wife was still a little shaken, and even suspected that the flood was just a metaphor. But Evan believes in such a gospel, so his faith has become strong enough. In the end, a tofu engineering dam built by political fraud collapsed, and Ark rescued everyone present and sent them to Capitol Hill. I always remember that scene, Evan and the animals stood at the front of the ark, but in the distance are the Lincoln Memorial, the White House and the Washington Monument. It is not difficult to see that the director's intentions, beliefs and hidden political criticism are concentrated behind the movie's jokes. Just like Abraham's wife in "Genesis" was 90 years old and barren, God used an angel to tell them that "Sarah in this world will have a son Isaac next year" when Sarah secretly smiled in her heart but did not dare to admit that she did not laugh. God said, you actually laughed. I believe the people who watched the movie also laughed. Maybe because of unbelief, maybe because of joking, maybe because of gratitude. There are so many definitions of laughter.

In the past few years, the sequel to the commercial blockbuster of sarcasmism has uncharacteristically promoted the connotation of evangelicalism. It makes people suspicious. Perhaps many people still don't know what evangelicalism means. In fact, evangelicals refer to Christians who believe in the authority of the Bible. In the United States, it is mainly concentrated in the south-central area known as the "Bible Belt". People there go to church on Sundays and Wednesdays. Everyone goes out with the Bible. They are morally conservative and have stable marriages. They are incompatible with the liberalism represented by New York, but they also live with relish. I remember going to Little Rock, Arkansas, where there were almost no criminal cases in a year, and the divorce rate was the lowest in the United States. In the past 30 years, evangelicalism in the United States has been ridiculed by people and rejected by mainstream society. But from this movie, we can also see the tension that American social evangelicals have exerted to influence society again in recent years.

But there are always Christians who do not believe in the "Bible" and Buddhists who do not believe in the "Diamond Sutra" in this world. Everyone is preaching a kind of gospel, but how to deal with it is really a big learning. Suddenly I thought of a story I’ve heard, saying that two people are living in their own gospel, but if the gospel really comes one day, one will run away, and the other will be like Martin Luther King. In the same way, even if today is the end of the world, I will go out and plant a small sapling by myself. So it is not difficult to find that we need to face the mentality of the gospel in our hearts: believe it, follow it, and fear it.

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Extended Reading
  • Cleora 2021-11-19 08:01:28

    It’s rare that the second part is better than the first part. Not only is it good, but it’s also many times better.

  • Crystal 2021-11-19 08:01:28

    I hope that the foreign teachers would rather continue to play the classics that we have watched countless times, instead of playing movies that would sleep and want to curse after watching. . .

Evan Almighty quotes

  • God: [on a piece of paper] Ask, and you receive.

  • Congressmen: [reciting the Pledge] I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the United States of America, and to the Republic, for which it stands-

    [God suddenly appears right next to Evan]

    God: One Nation, under Me, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

    [looks at Evan]

    God: How long you wanna do this son? I've got all eternity.

    [Evan faints on spot]