In terms of the complexity of the script, the timeline, and the confusion of the characters' relationships, it's amazing. Then, nothing else.

Jeramy 2022-04-18 09:01:20

It's been a few days, so let's remember. After the relationship between the characters was clarified in the first season, the appearance of Adam in the second season and the source of Noah were roughly explained, the purpose and the relationship between the characters were basically clear, and the remaining few did not know the origin, such as the nuclear power plant owner and the police The role of the investigation team leader is just to successfully create a time channel based on the waste of the nuclear power plant based on the death of Brother Zha without his knowledge. Although the world is destroyed, the time machine was invented in Elizabeth's time, and then brought to the past by the white devil to let some people travel back in time from 2019. After several cycles, Adam has admitted the reality, and believes that it is useless to change it. Therefore, he finally decided to let the time cycle of this world. Everyone experiences pain in order to fully fill the nuclear power plant explosion in 2020, and the wormhole will be blown out. Finally, a time machine is born in the future. Adam holding a time machine can change the future and create another world? As for what the "other world" created by getting the time machine looks like, let's leave it to the third season to explain.

Overall, a very good show, knowing that everyone traveled to the first season in order to promote the ending of the characters in the first season. The inescapable sense of powerlessness of fate is highlighted. The secondary characters are like the police chief, and the nuclear power plant owner gave too many scenes, which interfered with the main plot. If these characters became the key characters in the third season, I would recognize them. Overall, the book is very complex, playing with the complexity of the character relationships and timeline. Then think about it carefully, if you understand it, it is not worth watching it a second time, because it has no connotation. . . . .

Doubtful points: "How do you get through the cave? What does the fork in the road mean? Why do some people travel for 30 years and some for 60 years?"; "Who got married and gave birth to the male protagonist's mother when he returned to the river? Did he drown in the lake? Who drowned her?"; "Ulrich has been in the mental hospital, and Michael never saw him later? How much did Michael know when he died?"; "How did the middle-aged male lead change into Adam? Yes, why did you deliberately experiment with those children?" "What was the created world like? How did Auntie live and change? So the created world must be before Auntie died."

*******Dividing line***************************************** ******

After watching the third season and looking back at my analysis and questions in the second season, the analysis has basically been explained, but there are still many unclear loopholes. In other words, the director's primary and secondary grasp is not accurate enough, there are too many threads, regardless of the importance, and the third season does not explain it, it will not work. Then in the end, many questions were still unexplained, why the fork in the road, the reason for crossing the time node, do you want to pass the era of the era you want to wear? As sloppy as "Want to See You". Mike, Ulrich, it doesn't make sense. Hey, I think it's just normal anyway. The logic says that it's not complicated or complicated, and it's simple not simple. The sense of confusion mainly depends on editing, especially in the third season. Can only be nailed to 4 stars.

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Extended Reading
  • Lysanne 2022-04-24 07:01:27

    It is said that time has changed from one direction to a cycle, so the law of causality cannot be discussed, but what I feel more is the possibility of self-consistency in religion and narrative in classics. A certain consequence, or it points to the origin of history or the coming of the gods, the prophet is probably the sufferer. The so-called "god is time" means that if you master time, you have the right to narrate. The settlement of the three seasons is a move of conscience, on the self-cultivation of the god stick film

  • Ken 2022-04-24 07:01:27

    I kind of understand why Germany has the ability to unify Europe... I've never seen such an ambitious TV show, and I've never seen any movie or TV show that I've seen before.

Beginnings and Endings quotes

  • Investigator Clausen: Expectations lead to disappointment. "Have hope," my mother used to say, "not expectations. You might just be surprised, but not disappointed."