The film should be renamed "Three Fat Witches"

Amos 2021-11-13 08:01:23

If this is a cartoon from the 1960s, I really don't believe it.
This cartoon full of elegance, romance and spoof spirit is really hard to match with many current movies.
This story, which is familiar to Westerners, was "joked" so early, and it really made me impressed after it was shocked.
The innovations are summarized as follows:
1. The Sleeping Beauty was not raised in a castle, but a village girl raised by fairies; and the beauty who was raised recklessly by fairies kept dreaming all day long (in my dream, I saw you in my dream , The prince), made people laugh;
2. The wicked witch actually took the mountain as the king, leading a group of pigs to make a revolution (the pigs spent 16 years looking for a baby, and laughed);
3. From beginning to end It is the three fat women who confront the evil witch front, side, and down. The prince is just a prop. The protagonist of the film completely shifts to become the battle history of the three fat witches, turning over me with a smile;
3. Sleeping Beauty's clothes The color was still in serious dispute in the end, and the romantic scene was mixed with the cute dispute of the fat witch, and turned me over with a smile.
The biggest change and innovation of the film: Sleeping Beauty has turned into a few hours of nap after sleeping for a hundred years.
If you put it in our country, you may not have a big name,
but in Disney, it has been regarded as a classic animation openly.
It can be seen how strong people's entertaining spirit is, and how tolerant and accepting it is!
Anyway, this film is really a good and innovative film that dared to make breakthroughs.
I don't know if Westerners will be dissatisfied with this change, but I was overwhelmed by it and laughed. To do animation, you really need not only innocence, but also a spirit of subversion and entertainment.
ps: The clothes of those fairies are so beautiful. It's really like the clothes of the flying people in "Havoc in the Heaven". These old animations embodies the beauty of art everywhere, which is amazing.
It is highly recommended that everyone stay free and watch this animation that is far from our time, but super outdated.

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Extended Reading
  • Willow 2021-11-13 08:01:23

    Very unexpected. It was a work sixty years ago, but the action design is very rich and beautiful, and various details are also paid attention to. Even the cliché story of the princess falling in love with the prince is carefully prepared. Disney in that era was really powerful. Of course, limited by the times, the value orientation is very conservative, and Aurora is just a young girl. In fact, she was swaddled by the curse. In order to protect her, her relatives were forced to separate from flesh and blood. She must be strictly controlled during her growth. It is entirely possible for her to seek free love to show her growth of striving for autonomy and personality liberation. It is unexpected that the three good fairies have so many scenes, and the two Maleficents actually faithfully restore this version of the bridge quite a lot.

  • Jamir 2022-03-24 09:01:36

    In fact, when I was a child, I had always been afraid of the palace where Sleeping Beauty slept, which was gloomy.

Sleeping Beauty quotes

  • King Hubert: To the wedding!

    King Stefan: Now, be reasonable, Hubert. After all, Aurora knows nothing about all this.

    King Hubert: Well?

    King Stefan: Well, it may come as quite a shock.

    King Hubert: [Spits out his wine] Shock? My Phillip a shock? What's wrong with my Phillip?

    King Stefan: Nothing, Hubert. I only meant...

    King Hubert: Why doesn't your daughter like my son?

    King Stefan: Now, now...

    King Hubert: I'm not so sure my son likes your daughter!

    King Stefan: Now, see here...

    King Hubert: I'm not so sure my grandchildren want you for a grandfather!

    King Stefan: Why you, you, unreasonable, pompous, blustering old windbag!

    King Hubert: Unreasonable, pompous... En garde, sir!

    [Reaches for his sword, but grabs a fish by mistake]

    King Stefan: I warn you, Hubert. This means war!

    King Hubert: [Fighting] Forward! For honor! For country! For...

    [Realizes he's fighting with a fish; they both start laughing]

    King Hubert: What's this all about, anyway?

    King Stefan: Nothing, Hubert. Absolutely nothing.

    King Hubert: Those children are bound to fall in love with each other!

    King Stefan: Precisely. And as for grandchildren, I'll have the royal woodcarvers start work on the cradle tomorrow.

    King Hubert: Splendid! King-sized, of course.

    King Stefan: Certainly! To the Woodcarvers' Guild!

  • Princess Aurora: [on her return from picking berries] Aunt Flora? Fauna? Merrywether?

    [closes the door, but finds the house silent]

    Princess Aurora: Where is everybody?

    Princess Aurora: [gasps as she sees her new dress draped over a chair and rushes toward it eagerly] Oh!

    FloraFaunaMerryweather: [appearing from their hiding place] Surprise! Surprise! Happy Birthday!

    Princess Aurora: Oh, you darlings! This is the happiest day of my life! Everything's *so* wonderful!