Funny but heavy

Diego 2021-11-18 08:01:28

I said that I was speechless

to watch this film because
I was in a low mood recently, so I chose this one between the sad movie and this one
. I laughed very happily during the watching process,
but after watching it, I felt heavy

dick and hard work. boil for 15 years before becoming vp
result of the company is to get him to pass off as
the company closed down
all of his assets to sell his company's stock
and he broke
and jane also thought I could do but stay home mom resignation
they are just little people only
in The narrator in the trailer said: in the suburb, everybody was just tried to fit in. The
neighbor bought a good car, and he was still a little bit awkward. Q

They became "big thief"
but actually just
went to the cafe and robbed two cups of coffee and Decaffine muffin
really, some people are not suitable for robbery. . .

But this is petty bourgeois and middle-class tragedy of it
are good
this sub-sub of life is so easy to be broken

, but how happy
they still have each other
no matter how harsh environments
they are helping each other
stolen border
most moving It’s that dick suddenly thought of
digging turf in various places to
lay the turf
by himself .
Jane still said: that's so beautiful that

they are envious.
Maybe this is the happiness of suffering together.
Thinking about myself if I encounter such a thing, I
may not have the courage to persist,
but if someone is always around,
everything can be tolerated. I

have read about the origin of religion. The book
thinks that it makes sense to analyze why people believe in religion.
In fact, people can suffer, but there
is no limit to
what can be suffered . It just needs a reason and
a reason to stick to it.
Everything will be different.

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Extended Reading
  • Jerad 2021-11-18 08:01:28

    Some lenses are not bad

  • Dejah 2022-03-26 09:01:04

    The second time I watched it, Hollywood can always make commercial films so good.

Fun with Dick and Jane quotes

  • [last lines]

    Garth: Hey, how do you like the new wheels?

    Dick Harper: Nice.

    Garth: Hooked up with a new company. Great benefits.

    Dick Harper: Yeah?

    Garth: Yeah. They trade energy. It's called Enron!

    Dick Harper: Huh.

  • Dick Harper: I'm pretty sure she's gonna notice her car isn't towed.

    Frank Bascom: Right, I'll stall her.

    [Frank backs his car straight into female banker's car]