I have a good wife who wants to use brutality to defend life

Anastasia 2021-11-18 08:01:28

Jim Carrey’s nonsensical comedy, everyone’s interpretation is different, which brings a strong irony to life and society behind the funny.

At the time when I was proud of my life, I spent 20 years in my life climbing to a high position, changing hands and being trapped into the bottom by my boss. In the middle-aged, you have young and old, just happen to have a successful career, and are full of hope for the future. In a flash, everything is empty, life will continue, and your wife continues to look for a job, and you start to lower your head to do a supermarket shopping guide that you didn't know how to do before. Everything is going so badly, being ridiculed and squeezed out, in the eyes of others, you are a clown running for life.

Dick has a good wife who is willing to accompany you to endure hardships and accompany your embarrassing lover. On a rainy night, Dick suddenly realized a truth, our ancestors used sticks to defend their lives and homeland, why didn't they brutally break and find their original life. At night Dick began to steal a piece and dig another piece. When he returned to the bed covered with mud, his wife saw the messy lawn outside the window and said, it was so beautiful. Just like primitive society, men go out hunting and bring back prey, this is home, brutality and force can better live in this land

In the endless robberies and thrills, the husband and wife teamed up to pit the boss who made money and ran away, and took back the share they deserved and exchanged it with a colleague who was poor because of bankruptcy.

You have a family and a room, and you have a good wife who will always support you. You should not fight for it and use wild ways to maintain this beautiful family. Middle-aged greasy man should not sink

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Extended Reading
  • Jaylon 2022-03-25 09:01:08

    Alluding to Enron bankruptcy

  • Pete 2022-04-21 09:01:51

    Watch this movie under the financial crisis, don't feel it

Fun with Dick and Jane quotes

  • [last lines]

    Garth: Hey, how do you like the new wheels?

    Dick Harper: Nice.

    Garth: Hooked up with a new company. Great benefits.

    Dick Harper: Yeah?

    Garth: Yeah. They trade energy. It's called Enron!

    Dick Harper: Huh.

  • Dick Harper: I'm pretty sure she's gonna notice her car isn't towed.

    Frank Bascom: Right, I'll stall her.

    [Frank backs his car straight into female banker's car]