video notes

Luciano 2022-03-21 09:03:31

1. Dali: "No one can understand Dali's work, including Dali himself, because Dali is only responsible for creating mysteries", Jodorowsky "seduce" Dali's process is really laughing, mutual as surreal artists, New York Paris Barcelo Na played games with each other, and ended up playing the "100,000-dollar-a-minute actor" with his muse Lear as the princess, with elements such as "burning giraffes" that he liked (Bunuel's golden age had this part) and tricked him into making a statue for his museum.

2. Orson Wells: It's even funnier, tricked into playing the baron with the restaurant and chef that Wells likes.

3. Mick Jagger: Bring it up yourself.

4. Giger, the father of aliens: Dali's recommendation.

5. O'Bannon: A talent discovered after being pissed off by a stuntman in 2001.

6. Pink Floyd: After a few shouts, it went smoothly. Magma: Found in underground gigs.

7. Fine Art Moebius and Chris Foss, Artist for Artist

A team that was originally the strongest was destroyed by capital. But because they received Jodorowsky's complete creation manual, many works that are now known as science fiction masterpieces, including Star Wars, have quoted his ideas. "Alien" even used O'Bannon, Foss and Giger. his team composition. Jodorowsky was happy from the low down while watching the Lynch version of Dune, because it was so bad. Out of love for Jodorowsky, I can't watch any of the movies that reference him. He has put his own Dune concept into his own picture books, such as "The Incal" and "Alloy Baron."

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Extended Reading
  • Destin 2022-03-27 09:01:23

    You can feel Jodorowsky's passion almost every second, recalling the preparatory process of [Dune], those pioneering split-shot animations that were later imitated by many movies, that idealized artistic creation, In the end, the project was aborted because the pure art refused to compromise and could not find five million funds in Hollywood. When he talks about the relationship between money and movies, every artist must agree. ★★★★

  • Kiana 2022-03-26 09:01:15

    1. The purpose of life is to create your own soul. 2. For me, cinema is an art. 3. This movie has to be what I dream of. This is a dream, don't change my dream. I'm going to shoot for 20 hours. 4. The devil in our pockets, money has nothing in it. Movies have a heart (BoomBoom), a mind (herrl), strength and ambition. 5. I'm happy because David Lynch's movie sucks. 6. The universe has a long shot, blood is born, the aircraft is like a bird, the long gun fortress, and the end of the film is full-screen blue. 7. This is the purpose of my film: to open up all minds. 8. There will be no children if there is too much respect. You have to rip her clothes off and rape her. /9. Dreams can be full of passion in the form of dreams, but in reality they are not so beautiful, even if there are many epoch-making ideas. 10. What I'm not convinced is that Star Wars, Alien, Silver Wing, The Matrix can all be traced back to the never-born Dune. I think those points are derived from the practitioners of development. There are no great works in the world.

Jodorowsky's Dune quotes

  • Alejandro Jodorowsky: I wanted a musical group for every planet. Pink Floyd. They will make the music for Leto. Pink Floyd have a record, Dark Side of the Moon. For me, that is the human being, like the moon. One side is brilliant, light. And the other side, who is black, the unconscious, what is mysterious, what is deep.

  • Alejandro Jodorowsky: For me, science fiction was like a huge theater, like a huge work of art. Every spaceship was a being, like an insect, like a fabulous bird. That was the spaceship I wanted.