Picking lotus flowers in Nantang

Melany 2021-11-13 08:01:24

Picking lotus in autumn in Nantang. The

lotus is over the head.

Bow your head and make lotus seeds. The

lotus seeds are as clear as water. I

accidentally think of the sentences in the Xizhou song. The phonology is clear. It is a smart and good word.

Bow your head. Fingers are hiding in your coat pockets. It has just rained. The road is wet and flat. On the

deep asphalt road, every stone can be seen clearly. The

street lamp appears to be on rice paper. The ink painting. One by one blooming. The warm yellow.

Warmly shines on the trees beside the road. . Warm. With a smile.

Very soft and soft light. When you look up, she falls on your face.

The music is constantly changing. The

singing and water flow over. They flow over your head.

You are like a Children who are going to drown. Blue liquid. They are blooming above your head.

You can only see the water. You can only hear the water. You curl up. In the water.

Water is a blue liquid. Wait for the water to bury you.

Watch a movie. Dark A212. The

projector makes a slight noise. A slight noise. Like dust trembling in the air.

It rings quietly. The screen is dark and bright. It freezes. You hear XP start. There is a huge sound.

Your eardrums are swollen. It swells happily. It brings you unspeakable strange feelings.

Why did mother leave us. Is it because I am not a good child

. No. Mother loves you very much. Do you think so .


Do not think so. go to bed early because the really late, dear.

Well. you too. Do not be bug bit the ass.

Well. Good night,



I love you,

tears streaming down. or It's cold. The light intersects.

You see the girl next to her. She has a straight nose. Her eyelashes are slowly tilting in the alternating light.

You are surprised to find that there is so much liquid in the body. It is warm. It flows down in droves.

Like countless Rivers with unpredictable future. They dry quickly. They leave a slight tingling. The

skin tightens quickly in the cold and dry air in January.

You want a beautiful nose. The lines are smooth. The emerald is as lovely as

you want. Good text. You want to cook a good dish. You want to be gentle and generous like a beloved girl.

You want to have a porcelain-like voice. In an empty afternoon, quietly sing those flowers.

You want to There is a pair of furry snow boots. Put them on and dance like a chubby polar bear.

You want to speak good English. You want to write a good script easily. You want to give people warmth and comfort.

You open and close your fingers. The sun flashes and flickers in the gaps.

Thousands of pear trees bloom. Big beads and small beads fall on the jade plate.

You only have a flat nose. When you wear glasses, you often have to hold your head up to prevent it from falling. .

girl next to have a straight nose. you see the tears overflowing your hand. they enjoyable ride.

they bloom everywhere.

I want to draw a lot of cloud to attach them to the room.

I want to draw a lot of clouds. Put them in the room so that when Billy wakes up in the morning, he will feel like he is in his own home.

I love Billy very much. I love him very much. I want to take him home.

This is his home. This is his home. It’s his.

I love him very much, but I don’t take him away.

Someone handed him a tissue. You put your hands in your pockets.

A little bit of cold dips into your body. You wear a white scarf.

You tie up your hair indiscriminately. Yours There are traces of raging tears on your face. Your face is old and messy.

A little bit of cold comes up. They surround you.

You see the trees on the roadside. The leaves stretch happily in a halo of circles.

Pure as a pilgrimage vessel.

The girl next to you has a tall nose. You often sing out-of-tune songs. The words are unclear.

Okay . It seems that a lot has happened.

And it seems that nothing happened. You want to talk. You walk with your hands in your pockets.

It's faster and slower for a while. You stand on the steps. Your steps change.

Some things. You know. Can only be enjoyed exclusively. The

Kramers are a good movie. If you have time, you want to talk. Go and see.

View more about Kramer vs. Kramer reviews

Extended Reading
  • Sam 2022-04-24 07:01:05

    A typical tragicomedy of atypical families in contemporary society The ordinary and true story is the most touching

  • Bell 2022-03-27 09:01:05

    So wonderful, even though the movie mainly shows the life of the father and son, it shows the relationship between the three people perfectly. Not being able to take care of family and work is probably the sadness of all advertising people in the world. Why!

Kramer vs. Kramer quotes

  • Ted Kramer: [gets out of bed] Where are you going?

    Phyllis Bernard: To the bathroom.

    Ted Kramer: That's a closet. The bathroom's over there.

    Phyllis Bernard: Oh, yeah. You're right.

  • Ted Kramer: You had a date. I knew it! I knew you were keeping something from me.

    Margaret Phelps: Well, you know, I told you I thought he was a pretty neat guy, right.

    Ted Kramer: Right.

    Margaret Phelps: So, we go to dinner.

    Ted Kramer: Yeah.

    Margaret Phelps: I find out he's married, he's deep in analysis, and, get this, he starts to tell me his life story. And all I can think of, while I'm sitting there, is that I'm paying a babysitter three dollars and a quarter an hour to listen to his problems!