Phoenix Legend

General 2022-03-22 09:01:45

Disney's live-action version of "Mulan" was finally launched on Disney+ after a long delay due to the epidemic. The direct streaming of a masterpiece costing as much as 200 million US dollars probably also took into account the quality of the film. Indeed, the film's live-action in Disney It's definitely not great in a princess-turning movie. It's far worse than "Aladdin", which has a high level of popcorn, or the first "Maleficent" supported by Angelina Jolie, even if it is better than praise and criticism. There are probably some gaps in the different "Beauty and the Beast". I want to say that the quality of this version of Mulan is roughly the same as last year's "Maleficent 2", so the reputation is extremely unoptimistic.

Coupled with the protests abroad caused by Liu Yifei's support of the Hong Kong police, as well as the domestic disgust caused by the film's misunderstanding of Chinese culture, the film's audience reputation has become even more sluggish.

In fact, we don’t need to care so much about the cultural attributes of China contained in this movie. Going back to the animated version of “Mulan”, the rap-like Mushulong finally turned into Batman and said, “I am you. Worst Nightmare"

All audiences should probably understand that although this movie has done a lot of research on Chinese culture (in fact, the boss animation has done a very detailed study of this aspect, which is better than many domestic costume films), but it has the appearance of Chinese culture. , Lizi is still the heroism of foreigners, the awakening of female thinking, believing in yourself, outwitting the villain and so on. After all, it is easier to draw skin than to draw heart.

As for the widely complained "four ounces to one thousand pounds", it is actually very hard to integrate Chinese elements. After all, if you really translate the lianghejin into English and write the dialogue, foreigners will have obstacles when they see it. Disney The movie's first audience is not us.

Although the new version of "Mulan" has canceled the mysterious little follower of Mushulong

However, the witch who can turn into an eagle played by Gong Li is added. In fact, if you look closely, Gong Li has been abandoned by everyone because of her sorcery, so the motive for joining the villain with evil thoughts is actually a foreign "witch hunt, witch attack". That set of things.

Not only that, probably because the director wanted to add some oriental features, Mulan chose Fujian Tulou for her home. This is not bad. Going to fight Rouran (the old version is to fight the Xiongnu) ran more than half of China, but it was really "passing the mountain and flying like a fly".

Therefore, we should understand that even though this work is dressed in delicate oriental skins, it is still mainly to please Western audiences, just like Oceania's "Pocahontas" a few years ago.

The Scottish Brave

Including "Rila and the Last Dragon" by the Princess of Southeast Asia

"Mulan" is just Disney's exploration of the oriental world, satisfying the curiosity of Western audiences (it sounds like curiosity), and we don't need to be too angry because of the film's biased historical facts or ideological descriptions of the oriental world. After all, if we look at our own works of fantasy (magic) themes in ancient costumes, last year's "Zhu Xian", the earlier "Asura", "Legend of the Gods", "Qi Men Dun Jia" and other bad films, many times we I am not respecting the traditional Chinese culture myself, so naturally I don't have to ask others to take the past and make some changes.

The biggest problem of this film is not the story at the core of the West, but the exaggerated style and plot of the animation after being incorporated into the framework of the live-action version (especially the realism, in addition to Gong Li's Eagle and Jet Li's sleeves and Mulan's body) There's not a lot of weirdness outside of the law), and some of the overly animated stuff still looks weird even if it's less dramatic. (Fortunately, the clip of using the sleeve to remove makeup instantly did not appear in the live-action version)

Just like the Mulan blind date scene at the beginning, the animation is even crazier than this, but it doesn’t matter, the animation can be so exaggerated, but the live-action version makes such a fuss, a sense of nonsensical cheapness blows, this one who picks up the cup The bridge section is like some domestic comedies that are not popular in China, and it is really impossible to watch directly.

Similarly, like Mulan taking a bath, in the animated version, a lot of people came to take a bath at the end, and Mulan took the opportunity to escape.

But the live-action version is difficult to shoot like this, so the plot of the male protagonist undressing and going to the water, saying a few words and then going ashore is very strange. As for the fact that the male protagonist reveals more than Mulan, the right to joke is over.

In the barracks, Mulan was afraid that the male soldier would be hugged when he was sleeping. Actually, it was a bit interesting.

This reminds me of Kris Wu's skilled bedtime skills in "To Youth 2". Forget it, it's better not to think about it.

In the animated version, the role of the coach was split into the male protagonist of the new soldier Danzi and the general played by Donnie Yen, probably to prevent the two people who had no emotional disturbances from being too different in age.

All of these, the drawbacks of converting animations into live-action versions are undoubtedly revealed in this film. Coupled with the default of singing elements, some of the plots that could have been narrated in a single stroke of songs would be a little bit discounted.

In addition to the plot itself, there are also some problems with the actors' acting skills. Although Liu Yifei's expression has not been rich, she can play well in this film. Like Mulan's father Hua Zhou, her eyes kept wide open when she reasoned with her daughter, making her "eyes stare". Like a copper bell" the lyrics kept echoing in my head.

Also, father, what the hell are you talking about? Dare to love, legs and feet are not good, eyes are not good?

And the addition of those big names was not very surprising. Donnie Yen came in for a few painless action scenes, and then he uttered his lines dryly.

The emperor played by Jet Li is even more relaxed. Most of the time, he is either sitting on a dragon chair or tied to a pillar. The only action scene is to wave his sleeves and let the special effects do it for him.

Gong Li, because of the motives of the character, is actually a character with a little more emotion in it, but the death method of being shot by the villain's leader with an arrow and a bow is really because the screenwriter is too eager to send a lunch.

And why didn't Gong Huang's superb acting skills show? Director, it's hard for you to make me look like this ghost.

Ah, by the way, I almost forgot the villain's leader, and it was also a performance of Mo De's feelings. Apart from the fierce makeup, the rebellious and heroic temperament is really worse than the animation.

At first glance, if it wasn't for his constipated expression, he might be a mindless soldier.

The funniest thing is that after the villain caught the emperor, he was still playing with sparks and sharpening his knife

Want to come to the emperor's heart is broken for such childish behavior.

However (yes, although the look and feel of this film is really not very good, it is a significant regression from the old animation, but it is not without merit), there is a change in the film that is worth affirming, that is the one that replaced Mushulong Phoenix.

In fact, at the very beginning, I kept complaining about the phoenix fluttering behind Mulan, like a kite.

But with the development of the plot, I found out that this phoenix is ​​not actually a real existence, but an image that supports herself after Mulan left home. When she is thirsty and trapped in the center of the hinterland, when she When she finally decided to face herself, when she was unarmed and faced Rouran's leader, the phoenix appeared beside her, giving her a firm belief, and this phoenix was probably the evolution of the statue with broken wings in Mulan's old home. the guardian angel.

Of course, the execution of these scenes is actually not very good, but the idea of ​​this Mulan's inner guardian deity is still interesting. At least, if you really want to make major changes to the plot, the film can be made a little better.

After all, Phoenix is ​​so beautiful, and Liu Yifei is still so beautiful, but when you think about it, it seems that Liu Yifei hasn't made a decent movie for more than ten years.

This is really a pity, after all, if the beautiful skin is buried in the sea of ​​rotten pieces, it will eventually be called a vase by later generations.

Just like the phoenix's wings, even if it is accompanied by an unparalleled beauty, if there is no commensurate plot support, it can only become a legend of the phoenix.

Hey, don't bury other people's legend of Phoenix, at least people's songs really like it.

Finally, I hope that all lovers in the world will eventually become dependents, and I hope that all dependents in the world are lovers.

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Extended Reading

Mulan quotes

  • Xian Lang: [to Mulan; from trailer] You will die pretending to be something you are not.

    Mulan: Yet here I stand, proof that there is a place for people like us!

  • Hua Zhou: Your chi is strong, Mulan, but chi is for warriors, not daughters.