From the epic "Iliad" to the movie "Troy"

Jerald 2021-10-13 13:05:33

A modest way of writing this kind of essay is: comparing "Troy" with "Iliad": more than story, suspense, and character... I think it's like comparing "A Dream of Red Mansions" with Hai Yan's modern romantic drama , Is a teasing to both parties.

I am reluctant to investigate the connection between them: after all, they have marked the existence of more real in the age of their generation. Only when the Troy and heroes in the movie are not the countries and characters in Iliad, they don't seem to be so bitter and hated. Reverting to their respective contexts, perhaps we will neither be emotionally creepy with Homer’s admiration of Achilles’ beastly killings, nor will we be aggrieved by the film’s interpretation of the love between men and women intended to be possessed as beauties. Great love.

1. The kindness of a novelist——To the translator and director

Mr. Lu Xun, he said: "I have always used the worst malice to speculate on Chinese people." Unlike him, I have always used the best kindness. , To speculate on cultural people. Just because this may be wishful thinking. When I look around the surrounding scenes, I think I can always find a few imaginary like-minded fellows, so even in the face of overly powerful secular and disillusioning forces, I can only Watching mediocrity and humbleness have become the definition of my own life. When I endure such a life without poetry and freedom and dare not sing loudly, I will also pray to live in the world because of the same pain and continue to live in mediocrity. Era.

The Troy we watched has a lot of "mistranslations" in Chinese subtitles, so I don't need to repeat them here. However, I am an appreciator who is unwilling to be passive. I always indulge the wings of my imagination to the faces hidden behind all texts and images, and I am willing to give up a novel interpretation. In a world where there are more searches than discoveries and more storage than memories, I am willing to save some voices pursuing truth buried by superficial glitz from the unknown silence, although such efforts are often proved to be fictional. Fictional, pale as a dream. For this unfamiliar translator, my novelist's abilities began to show as the movie progressed: You gave me peace in a lifetime war was obviously deliberately "mistranslated" as a third-rate idiom, and the subtitles were unsightly. Behind, the translator looks contemptible. However, at the end, the time of Hector was "mistranslated" as "Barbarian Village", and the time of Achilles was "mistranslated" as "Time of War". On the one hand, the hero’s name is read affectionately, and on the other is the “stealing the beam and changing the post” on the subtitles. It is so comically integrated with the whole film, and the contradiction between the epic and the film is expressed in an extremely natural way. It’s more like a wise man’s "enlightenment." The translator's sly face is looming behind this magical pen, and his unpredictable translation makes his true face become misty and confusing. I began to make good-faith assumptions: perhaps the translator is not as mediocre and kitsch as previously imagined. He is not an idealist who advances his dreams at the expense of his life, nor is he a cultural elite who pretends to be a humanistic night watchman. He is just struggling to survive in a certain corner of the world and stick to his small role as the true self. The fragmentation of the division of labor forces him to wander in a life like water, tired and overwhelmed with various translation tasks that can not change the path of humble life, and this place is just the right ridiculous "mistranslation" or "interpretation". , Even making the dim translation show the light of miracles. As a result, the hazy night sky was illuminated by the touching wisdom accidentally flashed by an ordinary life, and I, an unwilling person who was also born in the dark, also made a fictional interpretation, and finally believed without any basis. In the deepest part of the night, there are still poets singing freely.

I solemnly reiterate that I have always used the best kindness to speculate on cultural people. I am extremely demanding of all the movies themselves, and it is extremely difficult to have Wang Yang’s arbitrary praise, but I am willing to understand (or make up) a humble life with an imaginary heart. In the sad process of alienation, I am obeying the laws of business. The vacillation between searching for a spiritual home. I would like to imagine that screenwriters and directors are struggling with the conflict between money and ideals. They have to fall into the stereotypes and stereotypes of commercial films and struggle to insert words about heroes and ideals into the narrative structure of the film. As a result, the smooth, beautiful, exquisite and magnificent pictures that blinded our eyes are full of grandstanding tricks, the passionate scenes of heroes and beauties, the clumsy and even vulgar humor of American English, but it reflects the ten-year war in two hours. In the stumbling rush of the plot, the director graciously gave three hero funerals with three panoramic tracings from beginning to end. At this moment, the director no longer begrudges the already tense movie time, and the shots linger on the flames of Xiongxiong; no longer hesitate for the close-up shots that are unwilling to use easily in the huge film that opens the way with big scenes, the hero's eyes are covered with gold coins like this The simple funeral process keeps getting close-ups for a long time. "Rice coin" is a funeral custom in ancient Greece, I don't know it; but I would like to imagine that the director can use such seemingly random details to deal with the contradiction between money and ideals in an extremely vivid manner. This is not only a ridicule of Hollywood's powerful movie pipeline, but also a ridicule of their own "firm" compromise with the world. If the portrait of Lincoln or Roosevelt is faintly displayed on the gold coin, I will applaud this wonderful satire festival, but unfortunately the director has not had enough courage to create a shocking "detail error" that can be justified by "genuine". . After the translator’s magical "reconstruction" ended, the film’s efforts to move closer to the epic were finally completely degraded, making the whole film appear in a ridiculous form in a world disturbed by money, and I have no time to think about anything. Modern people who are more meaningful lives have completely declared the end of dreams and the end of possibilities.

2. Analysis and synthesis from epic to movie
Some movie perceptions seem to objectively analyze the advantages of Achilles in movies: brave, decisive, upright, friendly, and chivalrous; disadvantages: stubborn, rude, selfish, and brutal. Then analyze how the purity and cruelty, firmness and cowardice in his character ultimately caused his tragedy. This is a typical analysis followed by a comprehensive "modern mode of thinking", which is like decomposing a parabola into horizontal and vertical movement and then synthesizing it. It's a pity that a living person is not a parabola, you can write a function representation; it is not an assembly machine, you can unload eight pieces and then put it together. Using these moral paradigms today to "deconstruct" a heroic figure three thousand years ago is as absurd as blaming Confucius for being computer blind.

Let me talk about the so-called hero's love first-obviously, a hero without love is something Hollywood can't tolerate. Achilles finally died under the arrow-the bravest and most powerful hero died under the cowardly and most incompetent Paris, which seemed to be unable to satisfy the unwilling hearts of the audience. Therefore, it seems that there must be a woman who writes the last tenderness for his hard and tough life, so that the hero's image is more in line with the taste of the public, while at the same time turning himself into a faint sigh. Of course, Homer did not forget to sigh softly for their women when the singing hero fell, sighing that waiting only increased their pain. However, the movie made Achilles die in the arms of the beauty, not where every hero should belong-die on the battlefield. This only causes the tears to flow and the lightness of the senses, and the nobility of life does not become strong. In Iliad, “the central content of the values ​​of the heroic world is time (honor, reputation, face). They regard personal honor and dignity as more important than life, and therefore more valuable. It damages the time of the hero and wins Walking should belong to him, which means great excitement and offense." Then, the meaning of beauty is more manifested as personal property. Just as Agamemnon said: "In my house, weave for me, and be in bed with me." Although Helen is the incarnation of beauty, he can indeed be snatched from one man to another-Rubbed from one man to another. Feminists have no choice but to resent this.

Besides, we value friendship. Achilles’ two “angry” actions may be more out of concern for his own honor and concern for “personal wealth” including Briseis and Patroclus. Obviously, honor and personal wealth are not the same in his dictionary. word. It seems to be improper to conjecture with the "friendship" we are familiar with.

In the movie, Hector tells us with the arrangement before the duel that he is peacefully walking towards his fate. The actor performed a sad but helpless ending with a deep and melancholic expression: a hero died under the sword of another hero. However, in Iliad, when Hector faced death, he was not as unhurried as it was shown on the screen. He once carried Achilles' wooden gun in the gaze and pleading voice of Priam, the breast-supporting mother, and the Trojans. The edge and cold light fled along the city wall and the fig tree swaying in the wind. The battle was not just about two men facing each other in the desert outside Troy, taking a dance-like pace, waving long swords one by one in a pre-rehearsed manner, and then two stalwart bodies collapsed at different times. land. In the epic, the battle between the two heroes has a lot of intriguing dialogue: the contradictions and vacillations in Hector's heart are undoubtedly revealed in the repeated begging for mercy. This is the real Hector, a Hector who tried to escape before death came but still happily faced him in the end.

Hector is a perfect character in the movie, and Hector in Iliad seems to be mixed. The preface of the Chinese version of the People’s Literature says that “Hector’s arrogance and tyranny have caused serious consequences; he ruined the future of the army and ruined his own life.” Vernan’s book "Between Myth and Politics" "But he mentioned the perfect Hector in the eyes of many Western researchers. However, perhaps because this is a battle dominated by gods, individuals are not responsible, so right or wrong is just a comment from later generations. In Homer's eyes, there are only the distinction between heroes and cowards, only the distinction between nobility and humbleness, and only the factors that make a hero a hero: noble blood, unrelenting bravery, which is regarded as the honor of life.

There is also Agamemnon, one of the three heroes Homer sings the most in Iliad, and became the "subject of guilt" in the movie. Although there are various weaknesses in Iliad, the establishment of merits without losing the noble character and heroic pride will not end well. The king of tragedy, was given the image of a greedy villain in the movie, and he had to die happily. It seems that otherwise, it is not enough for the common people to be angry. Of course, the vulgarization of characters, the distinction between good and evil, the structure of heroes to save the United States, and the structure of retribution are all common tricks in the transformation from classic literature to movies.

At this time, the audience is assumed by the cultural elites as needing salvation, but by the filmmakers as needing to fall.

3. "Deconstructed" hero
There is a kind of person who is born with endless fanatical blood, destined to pursue honor and dream, even if his life is short, he will not give up the brilliance that blooms in an instant. The hegemony founded by Gunma, the famous name cast by sweat and blood, allowed the people of future generations to proclaim their genealogy and enjoy the pride of being their descendants. It also made it impossible for future generations to restrain the fierce passion in the body and follow His footprints long for the same glory.

Such people are called heroes by us. This is the hero of the Homer era, the hero of the hero era.

With eternal light and purely beautiful images, transcending life and death, transcending the flow of time, and letting limited life present infinite nobility is about the uniform external performance of heroes of all ages-although I believe that their inner mentality must be Pairs are different. I don’t want to use a botched parallel to try to construct their heroic mentality, as if they are in love with them, as if I am not their only soulmate, but one of the few soulmates, but I believe that when they face reality and face death, The deepest experience in the heart must contain all the colors in the universe. For heroes, the communication between the heart and the destiny, and the echoes reflected by the sublime and the sacred are far more worthy of pursuit than the recognition of society and the memory of later generations. Even if fate deprives them of everything that can be deprived, they are still the richest and noblest in the true sense.

It was approximately in the later years of advocating vanity and exaggeration that the word "hero" was stained with the romanticism of the literati. A system for evaluating what is a hero has appeared, requiring them to have the power of their minds as strong as their physical powers, requiring them to die without regrets, and to bring the arrogant smile of the strong. But we can't hear their inner voices, can't see if their hearts are shaking or crying. Just because in any case the outstanding soul must be mixed in a mediocre era, they are also living people who are committed to the mundane. They should have loved the ordinary life of inaction, just like other people, but their hearts are full of eager and sacred calls, and they are full of beautiful dreams of making contributions. In an era that is not a hero, everything under the hero's ambition has become a kind of tragic and vigorous. No matter if it is only a pattern, no matter if it is a strong tone of the times or a sorrow, it will always realize its long-cherished wish in the long history of its own. Heroes, there is no compassion, no depression, no beauty, no exaggeration.

Now, what is a hero? Recently, someone dedicated to deconstruct the image of Guan Yu in "Reading", trying to show the world that a hero is a glorious image expanded by the people who have been circulating. The hero just has the courage that ordinary people don't have at a certain time, and suddenly burst out, maybe he will regret it after the outbreak. As for setting up and writing for him, that is the wishful thinking of the literati, or it is the constant idealists who shape their images in the text. In fact, these literati or idealists are weaker and more timid. They lack these things in their actual personalities, so they will continue to discuss and believe in their speech and behavior. Heroes are just ordinary people, but they dare or dare not to explode at the crucial moment, is it worthwhile to explode? Many literati with imaginative ability kept conjecturing, but once they came into contact with the essence, they withdrew.

"Deconstruction" has reached this point, and I have shuddered: I can't help but suspect that the so-called heroes are just a group of Xiaoxiao, and the real heroes may always be abandoned by history.

Our era is far away from the era of heroes, and it is also far from the era of mediocrity in which heroes can be accommodated. This is an era of "deconstruction" of heroes, an era of heroes being abandoned. The stories of heroes who smashed the chains of fate with the passion of life have been passed down from generation to generation in an era without words, and the timidity and arrogance of the gods who ruled their destiny were satirized by Homer with a smile. Now, we can only reduce our tastes to the level that we can accept the name of heroes by mediocrity, and the gods and goddesses established by agents are only available in the Pantheon. Even when we hear "our highly civilized The words "time" will habitually explore the true intention of this sentence.

4. The Homer era and earlier times

Marx’s widely quoted saying "Greeks are healthy children of humans" brought me back to the Homer era: desolate desert, heavy ancient city walls, azure blue Aegean sea, and thousands of sails. Warship. In the shadow of the guns and swords, the thick armor can't stop the passionate venting, just like Hector's body can't stop the penetration of Achilles' long sword, just like Achilles's body can't stop Paris's vengeful arrow. War has nothing to do with Fengyue, right from wrong, and only stems from the most primitive wildness.

The book "Between Myth and Politics"-it is regarded by many students as the most important source of quotations-I am not pleased with the large-scale invasion of too many modern political ideas on the classical and clear passion. But I have to admit that this Frenchman is doing top-notch research. In contrast, China's research results are very poor. It is true that the epic has a "historical" side, but just because it reflects the transitional era of the disintegration of the clan system and the rise of aristocratic society, it equates characters and classes, and even named Achilles as a "politician, military strategist". The research on the business card of "Democracy Fighter" (if this is considered research) is really only done by Chinese talents whose historian culture has reached a level that should not be so developed.

That era was indeed the beginning of aristocratic society, and the importance of blood lineage was highlighted. In Homer's view, it would be absurd if the blood of the gods, the noble children of the Wang family, had no extraordinary courage. Lineage and bravery are inseparable at Homer, and power is obviously in a more basic position.

In the setting of the world of Olympus gods, I don't see a strict and complete rule system, on the contrary, it looks like a simple union of primitive tribes. Zeus is the father of many heroes and beauties among the gods and the world, but the patriarchal power does not have much restraint. Perhaps it is his unparalleled power that ultimately determines the status of Zeus. The gods dare not dream of competing for hegemony with him, because Zeus's courage is far beyond the gods' ability. Olympus is recognized as a projection of the human world. Since the authority of the gods is more clearly determined by pure and undisguised strength or physical strength, in the human world, although birth and class are important, strength and courage define heroes or not. A key factor of This is a more primitive day-left over from the hunting era.

"I give cooked lattice doorways war, murder is my unique skills proficient.
I know how to left against the right block, with leather tough
battle shield, the defense of which was a brilliant idea.
I know how to sail fast horses, gallop murder car Array;
I know how to fight and smash the murderous dance steps of the God of War."

Hector's self-report is like a description of a good hunter. Endless war may bring endless hatred and destruction, but the war itself is sacred in the hearts of soldiers of that era. Killing and plundering are both the way of life of warriors; the blood and light splashing from the Colosseum to the battlefield are all achievements rather than injustice.

I would like to imagine the scenario of a more distant age: in the unpredictable, dangerous nature dominates the destiny of mankind in the ancient times, facing the wild beasts that occasionally haunt in the reckless forest and sea, defending oneself, the war to defend the people constitutes the daily life of people. Most of it. In hunting and bloody battles, those who can overcome nature and the same kind and achieve success will stand out. It was a barbaric and concise era of "princes and generals, would rather have a kind".

Homer's "Poetic Wisdom", after this era, pushed masculinity, wildness, and advocacy of strength to the extreme. Although human beings have stepped out of the jungle, this is still a wild world that advocates power-the anger and bloodliness of the characters are transparent.

5. Achilles
In the movie, Briseis had a line to Achilles, "I thought you were a rash guy, and the rash guy could be forgiven." In fact, saying that Achilles is a rash guy is not insulting him. In that era, in addition to reckless heroes, could it be possible that heroes were literati without the power to bind chickens?
He is indeed a reckless man. He is cruel. It was a round of scorching sun at the top of the desert. Although it could be so dazzling that it pierced the eyes, it could not tolerate the darkness; it was a thunder in the summer afternoon, which could be sudden and deafening, but it was as direct as a target.

It is not only Tianhuang nobleman who has the charisma of leadership, and it is not only a corporal who can win the love of soldiers. You can look at what every fighter who follows Achilles has said. It’s not “Cultural and military strategy, unifying the world”, not “for the well-being of the people in the world”, or “lifetime ambitions that must be displayed today”, but because they are subdued. The purity and wildness he possesses. Those who make up the pawns are all low-class people. The "soldiers" follow people who can satisfy their desires. They participated in the war simply because they wanted to get things that were impossible to get in the past: food, money, wine, and women. Those who lead them only need to satisfy their most vulgar desires, and those who are brave and strong enough are their gods.

The real battle is under the sun, using words to sacrifice to the unbiased heaven, issuing a declaration of war, with the heavens and the earth and the three armies as evidence, one shot and one sword, open and upright. Those who can win in this way are the heroes who have passed down through the ages. This is where every fighter should belong, and Achilles is exactly that.

Achilles was full of wild innocence. No matter what he wanted, he went forward bravely and fearlessly. From his fight to his two angers, it seems that every gesture can bring a shock in the heavens.

He is the loudest thunder explosion in the sky. Once you get close to him, you can go back to the most distant and deepest memories: the sky is high and the clouds are high, the ancient woods are Xiaosen, human beings respect the gods of fire and the sun, surrounded by thunder and fire and dancing, fighting for survival and self. There is the purest heroic spirit there, which is unstoppable.

Therefore, the soldiers are willing to bow down at his feet and fight for him till the end. Achilles are their totem, and they fight for themselves.

As long as there is such recognition, Achilles, whether or not he is the son of Peleus and Thetis, is likely to be a leader and a hero. I would rather he be a co-worker who ran into Zhou Shan, Chiyou who dared to go to war with the Yellow Emperor. He can be a politician or a military strategist, but his life is to live for himself, but he doesn't care about status or power. What he wants is victory, but victory cannot make him as vulgar and arrogant as other nobles and soldiers-because that does not suit him. In his eyes, the honor of the soldier is the first, and the dream he wants is glory, just glory.
"Die; for my part I will accept my fate when soever Jove and the other gods see fit to send it."
Iliad BookXXII
Hector is dead, he did not fall into the ecstasy of victory, but thought of his own death.

He can choose a life, but the character of his fighter determines that this choice is not enough for him. He will die in a short time, but he can live forever in the memory of future generations as a member of the hero. His feats will be sung by Homer hundreds of years later, but such feats must be glorious. A short and glorious life is actually longer than a long but mediocre life, so probably only active death can deceive death.

Sixth, golden-yellow praises and
passions are only aesthetic when they are sublime. However, activities based solely on perceptual sources and solely based on the stimulating state of sensory abilities have never been sublime, no matter how powerful it shows, because all sublime things only come from reason.
- Schiller

Schiller was undoubtedly the baptism of Enlightenment rationality, due to the factors before and after the text, we need not pull the word. The heroic beauty in Homer's works is passionate and even more sublime.

In an increasingly complex society, how can such a simple story in such a simple era make the hearts and minds of generations noisy and turbulent? Or it is because human nature has long been obliterated by heavy external pressure, life itself is already a burden, and the fatigue of the soul is also unspeakable. Therefore, the call for unfettered freedom and wild wildness from the bottom of my heart will always exist. From the small cockfighting of the folk, to the large-scale royal hunting, from the Colosseum to the matador, it is all its manifestations.

The heroes described by Homer do not meet the standards of many heroes today: generosity, prudence, and selflessness, just like the analysis in the second part. Maybe they do not have a code of conduct themselves, and this is not a bad thing.

Smart sculptors abandon clothes and only show them naked bodies, because the laws of decency and need are not the laws of art. The sculptor should and hope to show us a person, but the clothes hide him. Greek sculptors abandoned the unhelpful and obstructive burden of clothes in order to give humanity a broad place for activities. Homer relieves his characters from the same unhelpful and obstructive normative coercion, and removes everything that merely pretends and hides his nature. The heroes' hearts are revealed to be true, frank and thorough, and all the most authentic passions in life are freely released. ——This has nothing to do with the rules, only with the truth.

When I was a child, I learned painting and still life sketching. The teacher used Van Gogh's Sunflower as a demonstration, which immediately aroused my suspicion: How can such a painting with teeth and claws serve as a demonstration of sketching? Later, I saw a total of twelve paintings of Van Gogh's Sunflower, each with dark green or light gray as the background color with little contrast. And the most famous one, Sunflower (the one now in Amsterdam), is also light yellow in the background. When I was young, I violated the law of complementary colors, so I was very annoyed at "how to do this." The paintings are all masterpieces handed down from the world". When I was older, I stood in front of a rapidly rotating and burning warm color, watching a brilliant and dazzling yellow-golden, light yellow, deep yellow, bright yellow-blooming in front of my eyes and reading life from it. After the praise and holy spirit, I no longer doubt, I admit that the blooming in the wild fantasy is a more real existence than sketching-it is an authentic, clear, bright, pure life itself In full bloom. Art norms have no effect on the geniuses who are wandering, especially those who have walked the furthest between the sacred and the secular like Van Gogh. For some people who "art for the sake of art" and strictly abide by the art norms, they have all the gorgeous coats, and only one thing is missing, that is, real life.

There are many colors used in painting, but the passion of life has only one color-the color of flame. There is anxiety and sorrow, but their common background color-Van Gogh and Homer-is the color of flame, the original color of life.

View more about Troy reviews

Extended Reading
  • Jacklyn 2022-03-24 09:01:06

    The color scenes are all I like, and the starring looks, but the plot is really boring, not what I am interested in

  • Claudine 2022-04-24 07:01:01

    [2009.07.24~2009.07.26] This film teaches us to be a firm atheist╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭. The story is really long enough, three hours, it took me three days to finish watching. Hellen is still pretty ^^b, and the duel between Hector and Achilles is well designed and impressive.

Troy quotes

  • Achilles: Is there no one else? Is there no one else?

  • Helen: You should not have come here tonight.

    Paris: That's what you said last night?

    Helen: Last night was a mistake.

    Paris: And the night before?

    Helen: I have made many mistakes this week.