Buffy’s mother must be able to think rationally, she should support Buffy and Angel together.

Otis 2021-11-15 08:01:27

When a mother is selfish, she will try her best to think about the interests of her daughter. And Buffy and Angel together, if they jumped out of the common sense and analyzed objectively, it would definitely be profitable and harmless.

Buffy's sex life

When a mother has sex with her daughter, she will inevitably feel upset and full of response. Although I know this is inevitable, and I don't want my daughter to have no sex at all, but I just don't like it + the later the better. And Angel’s soul curse caused him and Buffy OOXX to lose their souls and turn into evil Angelus. Is there a better contraceptive artifact in the world?

Joyce doesn't like Angel anymore. Actually, looking at it for a long time, Buffy is just a young girl. It is impossible to continue with Angel without sex. This is clearly divided into series sooner or later, without intervention at all. If Buffy can still accept this, it's true love, how can he bear to treat his daughter like this. Besides, even though there is a curse cock block Angel, maybe we can find another more reliable soul recovery method in the future. As an "undead", Angel should be very clean and will never get sick. As a sexual partner, this is really important.

Buffy's kid

The only thing I can think of Angel can't give Buffy is the two children. But is it not easy? There are so many infertile couples in the world who are not doing well. The two can be adopted, but Buffy really wants to go to the sperm bank. Anyway, it was Buffy's child, Joyce's grandson, whether he was Angel's birth or not.

Angel is the only one who can protect Buffy

Buffy's world is so dangerous, full of vampires and all kinds of demons, ordinary people will only be a burden around them, many people who want Buffy to protect. Angel is better. It doesn't need Buffy to protect him. The fighting power is even close to that of Buffy. He can fight monsters with Buffy and protect Buffy from time to time. You said that Buffy went to kill ghosts alone late in the evening. Although her fighting ability was super strong, she was also afraid of being outnumbered, or meeting a master. It's much safer to be accompanied by Angel!

Angel is an encyclopedia of killing ghosts

For the knowledge of various demons, Angel does not seem to be much weaker than Giles. After all, Angel is so old, and the demons he has personally experienced are more than Giles can study. In the play, Angel helps Giles find artifacts, lost books, and so on. Angel is just a fighting version of Giles, okay?

Angel's sincerity has been verified by death many times

The above are all about Angel's very objective and emotional advantages, but it is indeed necessary for two people to truly love each other. And Angel’s true love to Buffy is really nothing (Team Spike’s awkwardness, I’m Team Angel, I just don’t like Spike’s platinum hair), Angel risked his death to save Buffy more than once. Is this more testing?

Anyway, Buffy is destined to be unable to live an ordinary life.

Buffy is destined to be Slayer, and he can't live a normal life anyway. Even if Buffy ran away from home to a strange city, there were monsters to fight. Since you can't be ordinary, it's better to be an extraordinary couple with Angel.

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Extended Reading
  • Alisha 2022-03-26 09:01:04

    It's so damn good looking!

  • Audie 2022-04-20 09:01:37

    The taillights are more like a dream XD. It is suitable for watching while practicing the guitar, and you can keep up with the plot at a glance every minute.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer quotes

  • Cordelia Chase: No way! I wish us into bizarro-land and you two guys are still together?

  • Oz: It looks dead. It smells dead. Yet it's moving around. That's interesting.