How does Zodulovski feel after watching it

Novella 2021-11-13 08:01:25

this. . This is David Lynch? I mean. . Is this really David Lynch from Mulholland Road? ? ? I like "2001: A Space Odyssey" very much. This is enough to prove that I am not repulsive of science fiction movies full of stream of consciousness, but it does not mean that I must like the version of David Lynch full of stream of consciousness (and electronic music in the 80s). dune". The chaotic editing, the loose stories, and the false can see from the left to the right, all of which are the products of business rush. Although I haven’t read the original work yet (arranged recently), I learned that the religious sense, world view, and the settings of the human brain computer that I am looking forward to in the original work have not been reflected. So value spices. All the love for this movie is only the art that tells the origin of the worldview at the beginning. Fortunately, David Lynch took over and shot it like this, reminding me that my expectations for the high ceiling of "Dune" can be lowered a bit.

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Extended Reading
  • Freda 2022-03-21 09:01:41

    Watched the extended version for nearly three hours? David Lynch directly did not sign this version? Aside from the terrible costumes and the special effects of the 1980s, the story itself is still fascinating... Dune as science fiction is difficult to control because of it The setting itself is different from other sci-fi systems. It's magical, outrageous, and special. The cult element of Hong Kong is too suitable for Lao Zuo's interpretation. It's a pity that Lao Zuo's aborted project will never be seen again. Can't be released)

  • Lucinda 2022-04-22 07:01:09

    Lynch used the meaning of shooting Shuangfeng rubber head blue velvet to shoot Star Wars. Cooper is Skywalker, the lieutenant is Professor X and Shuangfeng's neighbor, his girlfriend is Silver Wing Rachel, and the mortal enemy is Silver Wing Roy played by Sting. Sting also has naked abs! What more can I ask for! Lynch's serious and evil taste is unbearable for ordinary people, and the one who must die in his eyes is always a disgusting absolute evil. The Prophet theme is also Brian Eno's synth ambient...

Dune quotes

  • Paul: Will we see a worm?

    Dr. Kynes: Where there is spice and spice mining, there are always worms.

    Paul: Always?

    Dr. Kynes: Always.

    Paul: Why do they come?

    Dr. Kynes: To protect their territory. Vibrations attract them.

  • Paul: Is there a relationship between the worms and the spice?

    Dr. Kynes: As I said, they defend the spice sands. As to their relationship with the spice, who knows?