Singing yellow submarine hand in hand, I feel just like Chinese New Year

Mike 2021-12-03 08:01:41

1. It's a meetup of the Beatles fans offline party + Holy Land tour + karaoke.

2. You must recite the lyrics when listening to songs. Very important.

3. It’s really fun to make music. The recorded sound suddenly adds a natural sampling of the train sound effect, which is also very beautiful.

4. The moment John Lennon appeared, he suddenly started crying with a real feeling. He lived to 78 years old in this parallel world created by the movie. The strange warmth of the British is really, okay, thank you, I accept it?.

5. If you don't have a career, you can't. If you don't have talent, you can't sell your songs. Just go back and live your ordinary life. All you need is love. Fuck American dream.

6. But Deborah did something wrong again.

7. Distressed boss Huang for three seconds.

8. One man only: Li Ronghao.

9. Make another Harry Potter so that those British actors who haven't been in the role before can enjoy the game.

10. I really want to go to Liverpool.

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Extended Reading
  • Javonte 2022-03-25 09:01:08

    A small and fresh daydream story, in fact, it is not very new, the focus is still on the nostalgia for the Beatles, and the old Lennon appeared plus one star. Pepsi became the biggest winner, and Harry Potter fans became the biggest losers. I don't believe that any Harry Potter fan can still write the original text word by word.

  • Macey 2022-03-26 09:01:05

    Yesterday Back in the USSR Hey Dude, Let It Be the Wrong Catalog.

Yesterday quotes

  • Ellie Appleton: Why would anyone ever leave Suffolk before the day they die?

    [partygoers cheer]

    Ellie Appleton: Right, but if you must go to Los Angeles and hang out with perverts and drug addicts...

    Jack Malik: I must.

    Ellie Appleton: Then we wish you good luck and success. Or, even better, failure and a swift return.

  • Jed Malik: Come on. If you don't come downstairs soon, your mum will be too drunk to make her speech.