The scene of a car accident in a Disney live-action movie

Armando 2021-11-23 08:01:14

This film, not to mention that it is compared with Aladdin, it is the kind that is rubbed against the wall compared to Beauty and the Beast. Even if it is included in the Meipai Chinese film, the Great Wall is better than this one. I don't want to play a star without Liu Yifei.

The Americans invited all the Chinese actors with names and surnames they could invite, and even Wen Mingna made a face as a court lady in the film. Let's say the strongest Chinese cast combination, piled up all the Chinese elements that Americans can think of, and then created such a car accident scene, which is still the kind of two consecutive car accidents. It is full of Western imaginations and deliberations about China, especially ancient China.

Historically speaking, Mulan is generally a story from the Northern Wei Dynasty, and the worst is also from the Tang Dynasty. I remember correctly that the Fujian Tulou was a product of the Song Dynasty. Even after 500 years of grace, the problem is that Fujian belongs to the Southern Dynasty. Are you an emperor of the Northern Dynasty summoning a resident of the Southern Dynasty to fight in Rouran in the west? ? Have you asked about the government of the Southern Dynasty? ? The emperor of the Southern Dynasty is willing to nod? ?

Because you have to star in an all-English dialogue, I don’t know if you don’t speak Middle Chinese in Tulou. I don’t know if you speak English because it was filmed in the United States. I agree, but Nima’s background voice is all in Chinese. I don’t even say that all the architectural plaques are in Chinese. You don’t know how much you spend on a Hollywood and Disney movie that can’t even do this sound detail, so don’t be so deliberate and eliminate the group performance. Sounds. The young Mulan was flying over the wall and his old father had English BB. However, the crowd onlookers with the background sound was just complaining in Chinese. You said that Chinese audiences will play, but American audiences will not play. ?

In order to say " Two rabbits walk next to the ground , An Neng can tell me that I am a male and female", I really took two rabbits, and then Liu Yifei was particularly happy and excited to say to her old father in English, "I saw two rabbits run bla." "bla", in order to create a "four ounces can move a thousand pounds", the Chinese "loyal", "勇", "true" and "filial piety" are used for fear that the audience will not understand the meaning of a chicken, and use stinky and long English lines explain. I don't believe it anymore, can he accept this American audience? ?

There is also a mysterious "qi" in the film. I don't know what it is describing. From the beginning to the end, I didn't give a reasonable explanation for this concept. Awakening than the Force, the Force can really kill people. Hua Mulan took off the old father's ancestral armor and lost it. Is this angry? ? The problem is that when you didn't lose it, you made the hero scream. This chicken is just like the phoenix. When the director needs it, he will use lines and special effects to draw your attention, and see if I'm going to be mechanically subdued. When the director doesn't need it, it doesn't have any relevance to the plot.

Speaking of this phoenix, I don't know why I want to show the protagonist's aura so blatantly. Anyway, others can't see it. Only the protagonist can see it. It's the introduction of Phoenix Bane at every turn. But from start to finish, have you been Bani? ? You, the perfect heroine who was born with both civil and military settings, do you still want to pannier? ? If you take off a bra that doesn't show your breasts, is Bani? ?

The villain was also inexplicable. In the opening, a dozen Rouran people flew into the wall and attacked a military town. Then in the next scene, Liu Yifei feigned an attack and hit an avalanche with a trebuchet? ? Kill 0, self-destruct 9000? ? Oh, speaking of this avalanche, everyone else died. Only Liu Yifei riding his horse can save the actor? ? Is this a horse? ? This is a grassy BMW!

The other two armies fought, and the villain leader started... ran away... really just ran away. Liu Yifei chased, Liu Yifei’s teammates all GG, Liu Yifei met Gong Li, and Liu Yifei was defeated by Gong Li’s mouth. Liu Yifei was originally (tuo) conscious (kui) awakened (jia), the villain leader of you is just for Liu Yifei and Gong Li. The meeting triggered the awakening of the Force to be a tool man. Did a supervisor never show up in the opening game? Okay, Liu Yifei, who was awakened, killed him. Except for the enemy, he just didn't notice that there was a man wearing a uniform on the battlefield. The enemy called a witch, witch ran away, and his brother regarded himself as the air? ? What an inexplicable plot this is. Not to mention that you Rouran also have witches. What are you running? The protagonist who rides around on a horse in such a big scene just doesn't even see it after opening Wushuang? ?

Gong Li's various illusions and magic, sneaking into Jet Li's palace is like drinking soup, you really want revenge, you can kill him at will, no, she is going to be a dog of the villain, I really can't understand this brain circuit. That's it, but the plot to death? I guess this chicken film must have the unspoken rule of "the famous characters must be Weiguangzheng". Gong Li can't die as a villain, so she block the arrow shot at the heroine and kill herself? ? Nima, you are omnipotent in the world. There are ten thousand ways to block the arrow, but you chose one to block it with your own stomach? ? "Ah, this witch is so powerful", who has been laying in front for so long, is still a...toolman in the end.

The same is true for Donnie Yen. Knowing that you can fight, you must let Donnie Yen have the scene of beating people. It was not enough for the two armies to fight. Liu Yifei was killed in the last second, and then Liu Yifei's fan brother took less than 10 people from the remote Western Regions to the capital to continue fighting? ? Not to mention that you, as the leader of the Fifth Army, left most of your troops. The chief of a military town who escaped before the battle was to beheaded. I also want to make complaints about the Fifth Army. Mom's Chinese history has no such call, I am afraid that Ma Run is possessed, and it is all about this kind of Western stuff in a Chinese story.

I won't talk about Jet Li's makeup, and he also made a lamp to illuminate it from behind. This is the American understanding of "the emperor." You are an imperial emperor, the imperial city is invaded, and then... how many soldiers did you bring to fight with each other yourself? ? I know you can also play and want to show off, but with this brain circuit you can be the emperor? ? Even if the fight fails, bind the play villain with a whetstone to sputter sparks? ? At this fucking political level, can you be the Khan of dozens of tribes? ?

The inexplicable background, the inexplicable lines, the inexplicable scenes and the inexplicable plot, from the beginning to the end of 2 hours I don't know what the film is going to express. The heroine has not grown up, the villain has no brains, emotional lines? Is there any relationship line for the heroine? ? It's all tool people who read to the table and finish the work, and then more than 30 dollars? ? It's almost enough to give Liu Yifei one star. The scene of the car accident is in line with IMDB's evaluation of more than 3 points.

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Extended Reading
  • Loyce 2022-03-26 09:01:05

    There is a phoenix and a dragon. It can be said that the dragon and the phoenix are auspicious. Hua Mulan is here to pay tribute to the people of the world in the early years.

  • Myrtice 2021-11-23 08:01:14

    After watching, I want to apologize to Zhang Yimou and Jing Tian. It's better to shoot Musu and cricket to sing and dance. At least there is a great wind song in the Great Wall feature film. The animation version of Mulan has all the highlights.

Mulan quotes

  • Xian Lang: [to Mulan; from trailer] You will die pretending to be something you are not.

    Mulan: Yet here I stand, proof that there is a place for people like us!

  • Hua Zhou: Your chi is strong, Mulan, but chi is for warriors, not daughters.