born in a brothel

Brennon 2022-03-22 09:03:02

In the red light district of Kolkata, India, it is another place full of human sins. The children of prostitutes were born in this sinful land and engaged in dark things until Zena Briskie came here with a camera and lit it up. some hope for the children.

Sometimes the quality of a film is not based on how clever the lens language it uses or how clever the director's conception is. For documentaries, this way of reflecting human nature through simple themes is a kind of subject matter. excellent work. When we saw these children, we couldn't help but think of the heavy line in "Lyon" "Is life as it should be, or is it just for children? - For everyone." But even so, we can't give up hope for life, Roman Roland said: "The most terrible enemy is not having a strong belief." Children hold cameras and use their own characters to record life. From their photos, we can see the innocence that all children should have. Documentary, you can find that many photos are really high-level, maybe this is talent, if you haven't seen the movie, but only look at the photos, who would know that behind these photos are the hands of children living in the red light district.

Zena did her best to help them, so that they could be seen by the media and had the opportunity to hold an exhibition at the Oxford Art Gallery. Zena also found a school that was willing to accept them, but there were still some children who could not go to school due to family reasons. , Aggie became a cinematographer, and the baby was forced to return to the red light district because of life, which is a pity.

I hope that more people like Zena will lend a helping hand to children in difficulties, and even if we are in the dark, we should not give up hope, so that one day in the future we can rescue ourselves from the dark, Like Wang Bo's sleepy eyes: "Poor and strong, do not fall into the blue sky."

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Extended Reading
  • Margarita 2022-04-24 07:01:25

    There is nothing we can do, including photographing.

  • Justyn 2022-03-28 09:01:13

    Maybe it's because I have an unprecedented understanding of sex workers in India in the past few months, and I feel that the interest in the film has increased a lot. The fate of some people can be changed, but more people can only repeat the same mistakes, and their chance to choose has been deprived from birth. It's amazing what the kids say, and getting them to tell the truth, the cruel truth, it's not easy for an interviewer.

Born Into Brothels: Calcutta's Red Light Kids quotes

  • Avjit: There is nothing called hope in my future.

  • Tapasi: Just today, I took someone's picture and he bad mouthed me. I didn't mind. You really have to put up with a lot if you want to learn to do something well.