Must see!

Merl 2021-11-14 08:01:25

I came across this movie about two years ago when flicking through channels. It gripped me right away. I then checked it out from library and watched it twice in a single day. The story was so sad that after watching I was desperately looking for some funny things to cheer me up, but it's absolutely worth the tears and depression.

Robert DeNiro, who was famous from'the god father','taxi driver', and'deer hunter', played such a different role in this movie. His Leonard caught me right after the beginning. I was happy for his awakening, applauding for his love, concerned by his struggle and eventually crying for losing him once again. The pleasure was too short which made it invaluable. I paid my deepest sympathy to Leonard's mother as I felt the same pain as she did when nobody can save her son . There was a scene when Leonard gradually lost his consciousness and could no longer recognize the woman he loved so much during his awakening, and nothing, absolutely nothing, could get him back. Sitting there seeing him drifting away is heartbroken.

Robin Williams surprised me too. He used to give me the impression of a noisy comedian and I didn't quite appreciate his work. But here he played the doctor so well that I began to think he was very talented but didn't have much opportunity to show us his diversity.

Anyone who wants to watch it, be prepared to have your heart broken.

Gosh, just writing this comment depresses me again!

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Extended Reading
  • Alexa 2022-04-22 07:01:09

    Those troubles, confusion, and anger in life are actually short-lived "beautiful dreams" for some people. In front of the person you like, you get cramps, make a fool of yourself, lose control of your expression, but TA can embrace you and accompany you quietly in front of everyone's eyes... Pay attention to the beauty of everyday life, love boldly, stay healthy and free, and then live a good life.

  • Violette 2022-03-27 09:01:05

    How to awaken the lost mind, how to bridge the 30-year time gap? The awakened person came out of the examination room, is it someone or something? The plague at the beginning of the last century brought more disasters to people than we know. The sublimation of the theme at the end is too deliberate, and the acting skills of De Niro and Robin Williams are praised.

Awakenings quotes

  • Dr. Sayer: You'd think at a certain point all these atypical somethings would amount to a typical something.

  • Dr. Sayer: You told him I was a kind man. How kind is it to give life, only to take it away?

    Eleanor: It's given to and taken away from all of us.

    Dr. Sayer: Why does that not comfort me?

    Eleanor: Because you are a kind man. Because he's your friend.