Male girlfriends should be hung up and beaten

Romaine 2022-05-22 18:43:29

Whether it is Alex in "Love, Roise", Dexter in "One Day", or Li Daren in Taiwan, they should all be hung up and beaten.

The movie tells a very cliché story. The childhood sweethearts Alex and Roise are best friends and closest family members. They can love each other unconditionally, but by mistake, they have never been together. The more the two cherish this precious relationship, the more afraid of the beginning, because "possession is the beginning of loss."

Well, there is no more disgusting feeling than this. I have always felt that this kind of "best friend" or so-called "male best friend" has to be beaten once, hanged up, beaten with a baseball bat, and beaten to death.

The reason why everything looks logical in the movie is probably because the screenwriter used the most basic techniques to black out the female spare tire No. 1, the female spare tire No. 2 and the male spare tire No. 1. Borrow the derailment of the female spare tire No. 1 and the male spare tire No. 1 to prove how good Alex and Roise are. But if the male and female spare tires are not scumbag men and women, but people who are dedicated to feelings, but Alex and Roise have ghosts in their own hearts, is it a different story? It's like Bethany. Although she has a cursing face, she has done nothing wrong in her marriage. Why is it necessary to fulfill the love of the hero and heroine?

The two heroes and heroines have been tossing for twelve years. After experiencing the feelings of failure again and again, they finally made up their minds to be together. Such a beautiful and touching love story, if I were a screenwriter, I had to write that at least one person had cancer to feel complete. A lifetime is so short, you confessed that you could die a few years ago! ! ! Do you have to grab a marriage at the wedding to be happy!

The concept of love in the movie is full of grooves, but there is one sentence that is extremely correct: when Roise is hesitant to grab the marriage, the red-haired woman said, "He is not your best friend, I am." The red-haired girl really explained what a "best friend" is: when Roise is pregnant, he will face it with Roise, help Roise take care of the children, accompany Roise to start a business together, and help Roise realize his dreams. This is the "most "Good friends" should do, and where did Alex go while the redheads were doing this? Don't use your ears to listen to who your "best friend" is. Open your eyes to see who has accompany you through the lowest point of life, and who can really stay true to life. At least in the movie, the redhead did it.

Back to a question that has been discussed countless times: Is there a pure friendship between men and women? My answer is, there must be, there can be pure mutual appreciation between men and women, but it is definitely not like in the movie, let alone Li Daren and Cheng Youqing. For example, pure friendship is Alicia and Cary in "The Good Wife" and Alex and Christina in "Grey's Anatomy". The most important foundation of pure friendship between men and women is that the woman must have an independent personality and a career and life that is not dependent on a man. To be mean, no man will maintain a close friendship with a housewife from another family. If there is, he should be hung up and beaten. If friends of the opposite sex always understand each other best, but there is no other material topic to talk about except for family and relationships, ask them to show compassion and forgive others. A friendship, whether it is between the same sex or the opposite sex, must learn to respect and be equal. Not sending ambiguous text messages in the middle of the night is a kind of respect, and mutual support is a kind of equality. This is true friendship, and it is also a "friendship" that can survive.

Although male girlfriends should be hanged up and beaten, if they can’t be beaten to death, and if they are truly in love with female buddies, I wish them happiness. How bitter, it is worth having this feeling. Besides, in the movie, the heroine is still so beautiful.

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Love, Rosie quotes

  • [at the airport]

    Ruby: [arrives and sees Katie and Toby are travelling too] What's this, a school outing?

    Rosie Dunne: I couldn't leave her behind and wherever Katie goes, Toby goes.

    Ruby: [to Katie and Toby] Oh, are you two an item now?

    Katie (12 yrs): [unisone with Toby] No way! We are friends,.

    Toby (12 yrs): [unisone with Katie] No way! We are friends.

    Ruby: [rolling her eyes] God give us strength.

  • [Alex is checking into the hotel]

    Rosie Dunne: Any baggage?

    Alex Stewart: No. I left it behind.