Talk about insulting China

Eduardo 2021-11-22 18:54:22

When Meikaizhen appeared, there was a sting in my heart. Damn, this is the China in the eyes of Lao Mei. The smokestacks billowing in the setting sun, the big slogans on the walls, shoddy products, child labor, toxic and harmful processing methods, 50 cents of wages, the election results are predictable, and those officials really look like ours. Officials. . .
Ah, that kind of sting can't be let go for a long time. . . The United States in our minds is really gold everywhere, no matter what they slander themselves, we firmly believe that it is only a small part of the phenomenon. This is the way China has appeared on American screens many times. A short fat man with screaming eyes and a rich but unqualified image. . Oh my goodness, let's do it, Yankees.

I remembered that sentence, the alma mater is a place where you can scold every day, but others can't scold it. When we look deeper, it’s not how much we love our alma mater. People scold our alma mater very often. Everyone has the same eyes and sees the same scene. We have no reason to love what others and hate. .
Then why are we angry? I think that when others scolded our alma mater, we felt the subtext of others: Not only can you bear this kind of birdie place, but you seem to enjoy it.
What makes us really angry is that it is not only our alma mater that others scold, but also feel that we are insensitive and willing to bear it, and that we enjoy this terrible campus.
The same can also be put on the motherland.
Smokestacks billowing in the setting sun, big slogans on the walls, shoddy products, child labor, toxic and harmful processing methods, and a salary of 50 cents. It may be an exaggeration, but if we see on the news that there is such a factory in a certain province, we are not surprised. First, it is not our hometown; second, it cannot represent our entire country. It is easy for us to selectively determine what our country is like, and the same goes for Americans. But the appearance of such a scene in the movie is really uncomfortable.

The film also has two Chinese elements, the Chinese pug, and Mrs. Yao.
The pug became Qiu Hua's target. Everyone in the film felt that if you were to be a member of Parliament, you had to wash away all the marks on your body about China. It seems that Americans really hate China today. But I think this part is more ironic. A country that claims to be so free can actually knock on other people's car windows to interfere with what kind of dog other people have. It is so straightforward to define patriotism by the nationality of the dog.
The other is Mrs. Yao. Mrs. Yao's irony is racial discrimination. The role of her family babysitter is generally performed by blacks, but the boss seems to be unable to invite blacks, but he still wants people of color to do this kind of work, and she needs to speak black accented English to remind him. The good old days. Mrs. Yao’s role is undoubtedly very positive, but it’s a pity that although Mrs. Yao’s role is Chinese, the actor is Japanese. .
Therefore, the film is not particularly insulting to China. They are opposed to the 14th district being sold to China. Naturally, there are patriotic reasons. What's more important is that the capitalists want to build a sweatshop in the 14th district. Although the ending is very false and beautiful, it still returns to the main theme after the irony. This country does not look at race, faith, hobbies, background, everyone, as long as they want to do things for others, they should have service. Opportunity for the masses.

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Extended Reading
  • Noelia 2022-04-23 07:01:56

    Just know that the last two rivals must still stand on the same front.

  • Assunta 2022-03-27 09:01:05

    It turns out that after xxoo, they can still get along so harmoniously

The Campaign quotes

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