A tribute to everyone who runs before and after the screen

Edison 2022-04-09 09:01:09

Facts have proved that the idea of ​​creation is the primary productive force, the core of the core. Interesting, this film is really interesting, everything inside and outside the play is so absurd and interesting, how many times the situation occurs and how many times it is solved in a funny way, it is difficult for many viewers to imagine how interesting the world outside the small frame is. All the efforts that you can't see are presented in small pictures. I think this is also the charm of the movie.

However, in front of the capital, no one cares about the work itself, and only pays attention to various gimmicks and the benefits behind it. The producer's rhetoric in front of the screen and the situation on the set are full of reality and irony.

I also want to talk about the male protagonist who likes to put on airs and play his temper. The reason why the director exists and the director is the director is because the director is to the film as the writer is to the novel, and it is the core and soul of the whole work. It can be improved, but the work is the director's work anyway. md, the slap that the director gave when he went up to slap really hit his heart. Maybe when he saw the director who was temporarily on the stage and devoted himself to the performance, he saw that although there were only a few people in the small crew, but the staff who ran one after the other for the world in front of the screen, only understand why a work is called a work

I regret that it took so long to see this film. As a film and television student, the most interesting thing to see is the assistant who is always eager to get started. It’s really me who is right hahahahaha. Anyway, no matter what industry it is, we must pay tribute to every serious and lovely person who insists on their own ideas and devotes themselves to creation. Everyone is very respectable! I hope that one day I can also become an excellent film and television creator! !

This is why we love filming! !

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Extended Reading
  • Guadalupe 2022-04-09 09:01:09

    Made a really bad movie for a really good movie.

  • Hester 2022-04-07 09:01:07

    People who really love movies do this: don't stop the camera, watch movies don't die!