The stories and scenes are wonderful

Wilford 2021-11-14 08:01:22

Although the film is a bit older, I still have a feeling for this classic movie:
1. Q appeared for the first time in this film, and also began to introduce the concept of "secret equipment", almost all equipment can play a key role The role is also a standard part of the subsequent "agent" action movies;
2. The storyline is explained very clearly at the beginning. Although it is more complicated, it is not tired to watch. Unlike current movies, which are originally very simple things, deliberately made It's very mysterious, and there is a suspicion of "shame shame";
3. Although the scene is quite fake, but the camera is stable, and I don't feel dizzy when I look at it; to

say something else, the name of the movie is named Russia, but it was 1963 when it was filmed. It was supposed to be called USSR at the time, and I could still see some of the shadow of the Cold War and the mentality of Europeans. Sometimes with this preparation, many plots are very easy to understand.

Classic movies, worth collecting~

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Extended Reading
  • Karelle 2022-04-24 07:01:05

    This series was really popular back then, and there was a preview of the next part at the end of the film. The sense of technology has been enhanced, and the classic scenes such as the fight in the narrow compartment have been imitated many times, but the plot is still lackluster.

  • Luciano 2022-04-23 07:01:41

    This Bond girl is really good-looking and is the runner-up of Miss Universe 1960.

From Russia with Love quotes

  • [after tying up Benz with his own suit]

    James Bond: I'm not mad about his tailor, are you?

  • [refering to the irriating catchphrase Grant keeps repeating]

    James Bond: "Old man?" Is that what you chaps in SMERSH call each other?

    Donald "Red" Grant: SMERSH? I'm not with them.

    James Bond: [after a pause] Of course... SPECTRE. And it wasn't a Russian show at all. You've been playing us off against each other, haven't you? And it was SPECTRE who killed the Russian agent in the mosque. You?

    Donald "Red" Grant: [quietly] Uh-huh.

    James Bond: Kerim and the other man?

    Donald "Red" Grant: Uh-huh.

    James Bond: And Nash?

    Donald "Red" Grant: Oh, I don't mind talking. I get a kick out of watching the great James Bond find out what a bloody fool he's been making of himself. We're pros, Mr. Bond. We sweated your recognition code out of one of your men in Tokyo... before he died. I've been keeping tabs on you. I've been your guardian angel. Saved your life at the Gypsy camp.

    [there is a short pause as Bond thinks back and remembers]

    James Bond: Oh, yes. I'm much obliged.