Jane Eyre

Polly 2022-09-25 04:33:45

"Jane Eyre" is a novel with the color of rotation, it tells people the true meaning of life. Charlotte Bronte, the author of "Jane Eyre", is gentle and pure, and likes to pursue something beautiful. Although her family is poor, she has lost her mother's love since she was a child, and she is short in stature and not very good-looking, but maybe it is such a kind of The inferiority complex in her soul is reflected in her character as a very sensitive self-esteem. Jane Eyre she describes is also an unbeautiful, short woman, but she has an extremely strong self-esteem. Jane Eyre lives in an environment where she lives under the fence of others. Since she was a child, she has been treated differently from her peers, disliked by her aunt, despised by her cousin, insulted and beaten by her cousin. Perhaps it is because of all this that Jane Eyre's boundless confidence and unyielding character, a conquerable inner strength of personality, have been exchanged for Jane Eyre. She was unwavering in her quest for a bright, holy, and good life.

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Jane Eyre quotes

  • Jane Eyre: Remember, the shadows are just as important as the light.

  • Young Jane: I am not deceitful! And I am not a liar. For if I were, I should say that I loved you. I do not love you. I dislike you more than anyone in the world, except your son.