If you understand lily

Jazmin 2021-11-28 08:01:18

After N people's chirping, I finally watched "Jennifer's Body", and saw the legendary very hot Lily Kiss, Megan, well-deserved, and really a good kisser.

After reading it, I think Needy is so stupid~ If Jennifer really likes herself, just follow her, let her eat as many sexual men as she is willing to eat, anyway, she doesn’t eat women, those men should be damned, and jennifer is a big one. Beauty, not a hundred times better than his stupid and frustrated boyfriend chip.

sandbox love never dies, in Chinese, this is called childhood sweetheart, okay, needy, you killed your childhood sweetheart for a stupid and frustrated boyfriend.

Others Jennifer said, I stole your toys, sprinkled lemonade on your bed, and now want to eat your boyfriend again, see, at least i am consistent. (See, at least I am consistent.) I am

interested in eating everything around need. The man, Jennifer is a bit bloody, but this is a love that has a strong possessiveness~needy, you still stupidly ask her why she eats a chip It’s a very good interpretation of the feeling), I’ve never seen a woman like you with no emotional intelligence. If I, Jennifer gave me the kiss, I would definitely obey it. That kiss is so beautiful, it’s no better than that of chip’s stupid boy. A hundred times stronger. How powerful this kind of demonic woman is actually~ But in front of you, to comfort the stupid, you become so gentle, telling the secrets and telling you, willing to give kisses, willing to be pressed, you have to finish others, if it weren't for Jennifer You, you thought you could really stab her to death.

Of course, in the end, J’s shoes still died in Needy's hands. When Needy tore off Jennifer’s BFF necklace, she gave up resisting and fell, and finally died with tears. I really complained for J. . . Needy you silly bastard. . .

Jennifer has been spoiled by Needy since she was a child. She likes the feeling that Needy is obscured behind her and looking at herself aloft. It makes her feel safe. She likes Needy to follow her and only pays attention to her own feelings. When needy has someone who is more concerned about, she will feel insecurity and immediately eliminate this factor.

Girls and girls, sometimes who can explain this kind of friendship and love feelings?

The theme of this film is feminist, which is probably why it is not to be seen.

The devil is a female, and the entangled feelings are also between girls, and even the devil is finally eliminated.

The director deliberately weakened the men inside, such as the gay band, the silly football player, the goth nail man, and the most positive chip inside. Although the chip is arranged as a positive character, the director still does not forget to tease him: for example, when ML, needy Seeing the horror scene and screaming, chip thought he was strong, and finally said: "am i too big?", shivering in the park, needy to comfort him, go out to parties to bring anti-wolf spray, etc. .

Although there are a lot of scoldings in this film, I just think about it. The screenwriter is an Oscar winner, obviously not a layman, but why is this movie unbearable from the surface?

Because the original intention of most spectators is whether Megan will be naked, whether the scene is very erotic, and whether the plot is scary enough.

Few people pay close attention to the feminist colors hidden behind the movie by the screenwriters, and appreciate the delicate feelings between girls.

Of course, the spectators are bound to be disappointed. Because this movie level is destined for Megan not to be revealed, the scenes are not pornographic, and the clips are not horrible. As a result, this film caused a lot of surprises and a wave of bad reviews.

Outside the scene, I personally feel that Megan’s bronze skin is not as durable as her white skin, at least not in Transformers. There is such a devilish surprise, but I don't understand why Guilao is obsessed with tan, not everyone is suitable for tan, maybe it is 10 years old.

You can watch this film if you want to see the children's shoes of Love and Lily Kiss. ​​If not, please take a short trot. . .

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Extended Reading
  • Merritt 2022-03-25 09:01:08

    What are smart bombs? Ha ha

  • Clifton 2022-04-24 07:01:05

    Nothing beats Amanda Seyfried and Megan Fox almost hooking up ~ Go gay for megan go str8 for adam brody! !

Jennifer's Body quotes

  • Chip Dove: [Needy is changing] Those jeans are hella low. I can almost see your front butt.

    Needy Lesnicky: It's a rock show. This is my rock look.

    Chip Dove: Well, I can see, like, your womb, so...

  • Chip Dove: Stop kidnapping my girlfriend!