
Celia 2022-03-23 09:03:33

I only remember that it was a cartoon I watched when I was a child. When I found it again, I didn't have the urge to watch it at first.
To be honest, I didn't like this movie very much, and the best plot should be the part near the end , Tima and Jianyi are parting in the air.
There is also the last scene of the film, Tima's radio, and Tima's voice "Who am I", is it thought-provoking? I
don't know that one day artificial intelligence is highly developed After that, will humans be replaced by robots?

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Extended Reading
  • Dorcas 2022-03-19 09:01:11

    From Metropolis and Blade Runner, it is so grand that it is worthy of the name "Metropolis". The ultimate reflection and questioning of who I am for all consciousnesses. When the white dove rested on her shoulder, when she asked her one last question before falling, Roy came to her mind. The same tears fell. The music is so well chosen.

  • Terrill 2022-03-27 09:01:22

    I have to admire Tezuka's advanced vision, being able to realize the ethical relationship between robots and people in that era, but this subject was very good in those days, but it is rotten to look at today.

Metropolis quotes

  • Rock: Really? So, what are you then? A human?

  • Rock: Well, If you are a human? Who's your Father?