
Helmer 2022-09-12 19:20:16

I think I'm watching an Italian movie, I think I'm watching Adventures, but I'm watching John Houston, Deborah Coe and Ava Gardner, not Monica Vidi.

The starting point of this film is not the same as the adventure. The adventure starts from the skyscraper and the bedroom, and this film starts from the church. Adventure is a boatload of middle class, and this film is a boatload of Christians. Adventure is obscure, this film is twisted.

I can't help but be suspicious of old Johnny, he's really rich, a lot richer than I thought. I've seen his first non-genre movie...

and it's from Tennessee Williams, what shall I idea

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The Night of the Iguana quotes

  • T. Lawrence Shannon: Men with men's hearts. Wild and free hearts of men. They knew hunger and they fed their appetites. They fed their appetites! Appetites that I have inherited! I defy you! Shannon defies you! Get out your tomahawks! Get out your scalping knives! Sharpen your scalping knives. Scalp me!

  • T. Lawrence Shannon: I will not and cannot continue to conduct services in praise and worship of this angry, petulant old man in whom you believe. You've turned your backs on the God of love and compassion and invented for yourselves this cruel, senile, delinquent who blames the world and all that he created for his own faults! Close your windows. Close your doors! Close your hearts - against the truth of our God!