find peace

Johathan 2022-04-08 08:01:02

I have heard a story all the time, a rich man who worked hard day and night asked a fisherman who was sunbathing by the sea: "Why don't you work? Don't you have a dream?" The
fisherman replied lazily: "You work so hard, then tell me about you. What is your dream?" The
rich man's face is tired and his eyes are full of longing: "I don't have to run around for life anymore, I can lie quietly on the beach and bask in the sun." The fisherman smiled: "Isn't that
what I am now?"
When you are young, you see mountains as mountains and water as water. When you are middle-aged, you see mountains as mountains and water as water. When you are old, you see mountains as mountains and water as water. The three stages are not good or bad. When you are young, what you see is because of simplicity. When you are middle-aged, what you see is not because of chasing. When you reach old age, what should be achieved has been achieved, and what cannot be achieved is finally given up. What you want is nothing but peace. It's as pure and innocent as it was back then.
Each of Al Pacino's films is a kind of life, but each has a common melody-climbing from the foot of the mountain, finally reaching the top, the height is extremely lonely and exhausted, at this moment, the original dream suddenly collapsed, I wanted to return to the tranquility of the flat land but fell on the way down the mountain.
I thought success was a kind of peace, but it was noisy; I thought leaving was a departure, but it ended, the peace I wanted turned into a fragrant soul in the endless desire, and the last ray, the hope of flying to heaven.
Watching "Smell the Scent and Knowing a Woman", watching "The Godfather", watching "Dawn of Love Owl", watching "Hot Afternoon", watching good films and watching old films that are not well-received, Al is always struggling there, being beaten by fate again and again Pushing in the opposite direction of his dream, he tried his best to run to the desired destination time after time. Most of the time, he lost. Sometimes he falls to the ground from exhaustion just a few steps away from the finish line, his eyes are full of unrealized regrets and fantasy beauty; sometimes he has no choice but to let go in the distance where the finish line cannot be seen, falls into a deep sleep and is unable to wake up again; Choose to let go, bury a dream with your own hands and replace it with forgetting, no one knows if you really don't think about it anymore.
He interprets the entanglement of dreams and fate over and over again, looking for peace is like looking forward to ripples on the tumbling sea. Human beings are so stubborn, they clearly know they will fail, they clearly believe in their fate, but they still do not give up the last glimmer of hope, and do their best to restore the long-lost purity of childhood.
Sunshine, beaches, cabins, and the purple scent of lavender linger in the dreams that many people are relentlessly chasing, one after another. I really believe that there will always be some people who can finally reach the other side of their dreams. Looking back on the past in the warm sunlight, the heat in their palms is so real, which is different from the beauty of the disinfectant at the last moment.
As a spectator and a young man, the peace I want is a long journey, including the peak of a rich man, but also the suddenness of a fisherman, and finally, toward a road that I know is full of thorns, without turning back.

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Extended Reading
  • Jasmin 2022-04-08 09:01:13

    Pacino performed the whole process of being seriously sleep-deprived, exhausted, vulnerable, and pretending to be a public relations dog, which made people feel anxious for him. The entertainment and political circles are too dark, and his encouragement or protection for the two descendants is empathetic: stay away as soon as possible or keep innocence. By the way, Kim Basinger was almost fifty at the time!

  • Enid 2022-04-10 09:01:09

    I don't even know the names of the characters

People I Know quotes

  • Victoria Gray: Is that what we're doing, E? We're surviving?

    Eli Wurman: Don't underestimate it; it's harder than it looks.

  • Eli Wurman: [when getting stabbed] Hey, that hurt!