After watching it, I found out that it is a niche movie

Katheryn 2022-03-23 09:02:44

After writing the question, go back and write the beginning, as I said in the middle, do not follow the requirements of science fiction films, do not pursue logic, just want to explore the setting of the after life state of the movie, it should be full of interesting settings, it is the

first point of horror Is dripping

Second Drop
Soul or Body?
Elio said that he has gifts to talk to people between life and death, others can't hear them, but he can communicate with souls
- can the

third drop
Anna's scissors hurt Elio?
When Elio said go ahead, I thought for a moment that anna couldn't, but Elio is good at convincing dead people that they are dead, like directing them to look in the mirror but wiping the vapor away, making them accept death, like anna asking her boyfriend Did he cry for her, he answered no.
Anna once smashed all the things in the house, Elio got angry and cleaned it up. Technically speaking, anna can change the surrounding environment, such as opening the door, such as breaking things, this is back to the previous question, I think after life The state is not the soul, it is the body

the fourth drop of water
who can see her
Elio and the later little boy who also has the same gift can communicate with the dead. The little boy saw anna that day, and Elio judged that the little boy had talent based on this. If Elio didn't kidnap the child, it means that maybe not everyone can see it. For example, if the chickens die and no one gives them anesthesia, then everyone can see the state of after death.
But as mentioned above, if you can leave water vapor on the mirror, then this kind of physical existence , and may also be seen by others. Elio would give the deceased an anesthesia before they were seen, whether it was for the deceased's peace or for the living to disappear. Anyway, I don't care about logic, this is a movie without logic, I only care about the setting.
In general, I tend to be in a state of after life that is not seen by ordinary people.
- Who can hear her in the

fifth drop of water? For example, when her boyfriend came for the first time, Anna called, but she was locked underground, so her boyfriend might not be able to hear it. The second time her boyfriend came, anna was successfully persuaded to stop making a sound, so I don't know if her boyfriend could hear her speech. In the middle of the call, the boyfriend answered, but there are two possibilities. The boyfriend heard what Anna said, but he felt very creepy, so he hung up, and the other was that he answered the silent call, so he hung up. So, the question of whether or not to hear it leaves more suspense than seeing, and I tend to hear - why should the sixth drop bury them? The whole film is talking about the state of after life, where people breathe. Elio said to the little boy, these people are dead, no one can see them, but they are still breathing, robbing the living people of oxygen, so I must bury them (make them unable to breathe). Therefore, what Elliot said between life and death is actually the state of being able to breathe after death, and burial is the second death, and it is also the responsibility Elliott gave himself. Instead of doing it himself, he chose to convince the dead to accept death and let the funeral end their breath. Therefore, the water vapor on the mirror was a detail that Elliot carefully concealed. Anna believed that she was over. It was not until she saw the water vapor on the mirror that she realized that she had been deceived. There was a hint of embarrassment and regret. - Seventh Drop Elio asks anna to go out?

During the whole process, Elio has been inducing Anna to believe that it is all over and not realizing that he is a breathing being. This state is always inducing, so lies and guidance are always intertwined. But I have to say, because I have been communicating with many, many after life, he always said, you humans. In his view, people live numbly and do not know how to cherish them. And when anna told him that she wanted to fall in love, at this time I thought Elio really wanted to let her out. Unfortunately, as he said, people are actually more afraid of living than they are afraid of death. Or maybe that's why he's going to bury these people.
- The mother of the

eighth drop
After being induced by many directors, we have reason to believe that the little boy's mother is in a state of after life. Sitting in front of the TV all the time, stiff head, sense of camera, especially the moment when the little boy asked Elio who was the first dead person to speak, and Elio told the little boy that it was his mother. (Secretly feel that it was the death of their mother that made them feel the pain and wanting to keep the dead gave them the ability to channel)
This also shows that if the breathing of the dead is not stopped, they can still exist like this, always. Communicate with the psychic, this is a state that can be maintained for a long time unless killed again by the funeral.

Anna's boyfriend?
After the car accident, there was no entanglement this time, and Elliott directly punctured his lungs and ended him. In the past, Elliott led the dead to give up on their own.
Inducing Eliro to drink and drive, there are two possibilities, one is for anna, he said, imagine, you are dead, your family and friends buried you, go back to watch TV, as if this will not happen to them; two It was for the end, because my boyfriend was involved in this matter, and one day he might find out that he really wanted to, so it was completely over before that.
Directly ending the boyfriend, there are two possibilities. If you are tossed by Anna enough, don't bother, and let the boyfriend go to accompany Anna. The second is just like Anna discovers the truth. When the other party finds out that the truth can no longer be induced, force them to end. Lillo should also know that his boyfriend has gone through this and will not be easily induced, so he went straight to the last step and ended his breathing.

The tenth drop
little boy?
Well, if someone sees these stream-of-consciousness issues here, they should remember the scene where the little boy buried the chick, so symbolic. From keeping the chicks in the house, communicating with the dead mother, to burying the chicks, doing the "right" thing, becoming Elliot's heir, the buryer.

- Water that is
not water
Next, this is an area that I am not willing to cover, roughly what the movie is going to say?
No matter what you say, it's a thriller first, and an expression second. The setting is good, although the logic is not strict at all, but the overall setting is relatively coherent. Then there is the theme, after all the creepy, maybe the same sentence, what is death for, in order to make life worthwhile. But what's interesting is that Elio feels that human beings are not living well, but the reason why he brought the second death is either this reason, or it is very simple, breathing. This kind of little thing that symbolizes "life" is the reason why people in this state should be buried.

The expression that appeared at the moment Elliott closed Anna's coffin indicated that he was shaken for this girl who wanted to live but didn't want to live, but he still went to the end and stopped her breathing.

Finally, at three o'clock in the morning here, I feel like I'm writing something about stream of consciousness. I didn't plan to write it strictly, just share the feeling of watching this film. If anyone is also interested, please leave me a message, welcome Various setting discussions

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After.Life quotes

  • Paul: [to Deacon] She's not dead is she?

  • Eliot Deacon: You have to look beautiful for your funeral. This is how they are all going to remember you.