
Deron 2022-03-28 09:01:13

I watch 5 episodes every day for a heart-to-heart consultation. Each episode is half an hour, no more, and if there is more, I will be suffocated.

The plot is four different patients plus a psychiatrist who has their own problems. 5 episodes count as one paragraph. Unlike other American dramas, it does not have any strong dramatic conflict and the plot advances quickly. It is just two people sitting there talking, one talking more, the other talking less - nonsense, isn't it like seeing a psychiatrist. None of the patients talked a lot about their own growth experiences and psychological trauma. On the contrary, they seemed to talk a lot, but they were all guarded and hesitated. You have to listen carefully to hear the person behind the words. The doctor didn't give any panacea. The worst thing was that he was even more anxious. Sitting across from him sometimes seemed to be walking through a dead maze. The signals he sent all landed in places that no one knew. The feedback he gave would make people feel more anxious. Want to yell: Are you listening to me? !

In fact, of course he was listening, and he often used questions instead of answers. These are questions that you take for granted and are not worth talking about -- that's the problem. You also can't expect the other person to be God, kindly reach out to smooth out every fold in your heart, and you will be able to regenerate from then on - and God is too cheap for $150 an hour.

I don't care how these four end up , can they get out of their own predicament -- oh, yes, and whether the doctor himself will reunite with his wife. I'm just listening, listening to their fragmented and clueless words full of concealment, revealing himself little by little, this process makes people quiet, as if he can hear many voices in his own heart. The human heart is the darkest place in the world. Now I have a different understanding of this sentence: of course, everyone has unspeakable selfish desires and weaknesses in their hearts, but the darkest part is: it is really boring, but it is true absorb. Like a gossip, like life itself.

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Extended Reading
  • Enid 2022-04-02 09:01:14

    Psychology, psychoanalysis. I read it as a textbook, and the funniest thing is that every episode I see the counselor is so hard-working that the patient doesn't comprehend, it's so black and professional!

  • Mireya 2022-03-24 09:03:54

    This is a real psychological movie.