Did the director and the screenwriter not communicate well?

Toney 2022-06-28 17:37:21

I don't know if it's because the screenwriter's thinking is too disordered, or the director's thinking is confused. This was originally a good point of horror, but at the end, it feels like a mess. The scenery in the film is beautiful, and the colors are used well, but it's a pity that the director has wasted everyone's efforts, hehe. Many foreshadowings are meaningless in the end, but instead make people feel that the protagonist is stupid, the ghosts are also stupid, and there is no "surprise" or "pleasant" turning point at the end~
My brother is a real devil, and so is my younger brother. Due to the punishment, the soul was trapped in the cornfield by the elder brother's ghost, so the younger brother wanted to find passers-by, tell them what happened, and end everything here. The crow in the film is the younger brother, and he attracted those passing by. . But only the glasses brother can see those images. I am quite speechless to Brother Eye. Since he knows everything, why doesn't he say anything? Since you want to be a hero once, you have to tell your companions what you see and hear. In the film, he is always squeaking, so he can't communicate? Apparently the director's foreshadowing of something in him has failed. In the end, he just told his companions that we had to act while they were sewing, so it would be absolutely safe, so when he thought of using gasoline and a lighter, he wanted to see a vigorous battle between people and ghosts. I didn't expect that they would think of burning the cornfield ⊙﹏⊙b sweat, I was dizzy, since I thought that their skills were the weakest when sewing, why not just burn it when he was still sewing without wearing a hood What about that zombie? These foreshadowings have also failed~ Forget it, look back (there is a lot of nonsense ahead), since we have reached the cornfield, we have to start burning it quickly, but it also failed, I was caught straight, glasses brother They are stupid again, since they lost their power after taking off the mask a few times before, why haven't they woken up~~ Brother Glasses also wasted gasoline~~
In the end, Brother Glasses finally ran out of the cornfield, why can't he do it again? It's a very contrived plot. . . . . . In the end, I still haven't explained what the ghost is doing?
After watching the film, I feel that I have done useless work and have no logic. Director, your skill is not enough,
give one star, scenery points!

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