
Omari 2022-10-03 19:58:03

The seaside hut, sumo wrestling, fireworks, etc., showering in the rain, these things look like some kind of gangster movie, obviously a romance movie with a romantic plot.
It is very rare that Takeshi Kitano, who has always been unsmiling, can also be seen smiling.
Although there were a lot of fighting, gunfights, firefights, bloodshed, and deaths, the scenes did not feel so bloody and brutal.
It's just that in the end, Kitano Takeshi left alone after the meeting with the gangster who sold him and his opponent, and he committed suicide with a gun on the way back to the seaside hut. This is a bit of a surprise. Although in Tokyo has already revealed the meaning of retirement.
Life is like a dream, just like the dazzling fireworks blooming alone under the night sky on the beach, waiting for the woman you love at last, and it will be empty in an instant.

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Sonatine quotes

  • Ken: Not fair! You are using a real gun!

  • [shooting at a Frisbee]

    Aniki Murakawa: There's no way you can hit it! I'm not Buffalo Bill, arsehole!