the world we were in

Annabell 2022-03-24 09:02:23

Still a workaholic, a mechanical nerd, whatever you like.
In my spare time, I occasionally look up at the sky in the distance.
A habit formed from a long time ago, a habit of waiting.
But now, even the qualification to wait has been deprived.
"He, I won't let me wait for him anymore." Every time I think of this sentence, my heart still hurts. I once said that I would accompany them to carry everything and go on, but now, there is only one person left.
It was like that when they were kids, every time they were talking, it was all about reminding them to remember to go to their mother-in-law's for dinner.
When they burned down their home and decided to embark on the journey, Silent decided to help him make the best mechanical armor in the world.
That guy also always likes to complain that he is not as enthusiastic about people as he is about machines.
However, machines also have feelings, can't you understand that, Ed?
It is always the brothers who suffer, but it is always myself who weeps.
"Idiot, because you don't cry, that's why I cry for you."
Because after that night many years ago, I don't want to see you suffer like that anymore.
Because I don't want to wait any longer!
That's why I worked hard to learn how to make mechanical armor, so I risked my life to eavesdrop on Sloth's phone, so I tried my best not to hold you back.
Want them to remember that they are not without a home in Lisenburg, and let them know that there is always someone waiting for them to come home.
Just like the flashing lights on the windowsill that night many years ago, it illuminated the way home and illuminated the whole world.
The wanted criminals were still so stubborn when they came back, but they still preferred to believe what they believed.
Then there was the parting that I thought I was used to.
When Al came back, he looked like a ten-year-old child and lost all the memories he had since he became a mother.
Watching him play carefree can't help but think of the person who disappeared from this world.
Always wear the mechanical armor prepared for that person.
Because I always believed that I would meet him again.
No matter how tall you are, my mechanical armor is always the best for you.
Seeing that person's slightly surprised expression, I would feel a little gratified in my heart.
This is the last time you see him.
This time it's really goodbye.
The moment the door closes, they literally disappear from this world and from yours.
As Dante said, the world is so cruel, yet so beautiful.
They are destined to be just passers-by in your life, but they have left an indelible mark on your life. Happy, or sad mark.
Many times I still sit on the bank of the river in a daze, just like many years ago.
Rather than saying that you are tired of waiting, it is better to say that you are used to waiting.
Sometimes I also wonder how they lived in that world, that dream-like world.
But they, once really existed in my life.

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Extended Reading
  • Herminio 2022-04-24 07:01:15

    Who do you watch the cartoon with? This is my enlightenment to your anime

  • Adrian 2022-01-01 08:02:23

    Keep your eyes open and be wary of Biden playing the steelmaking card

Fullmetal Alchemist quotes

  • Colonel Roy Mustang: What are you doing all of a sudden?

    Lieutenant Lisa Hawkeye: You're useless in the rain, so please stay back, Colonel.

  • Colonel Roy Mustang: Don't look so gloomy.

    Lieutenant Lisa Hawkeye: Your plan was perfect, but because I didn't make it in time...

    Colonel Roy Mustang: There is no such thing as perfection. This world itself is imperfect.

    [runs a hand through her hair]

    Colonel Roy Mustang: That's what makes it so beautiful.